Monday, January 09, 2006

Bring on the collective anger!

So I'm back to campus again, fresh for another semester. Now although I have two days off, one of which is in serious jeopardy of being stolen from me (thus ruining absolutely everything I worked for in first semester, and will result in me going on a rant of biblical preportion about how much I want to drop out of school, which I'll likely rant about anyway later on), I was thinking that there wouldn't be enough anger to build up and subsequently rant about.

How wrong I was. It seems my pointless science credit I'm required to take because as an arts student, I need to be "expansive", or, driven to the point of failure, is filled with 400 other students. First, it's ridiculously different to my Film classes. Film is like some kind of slacker's paradise, where we all sit around and watch movies, say how much we hate everyone else in the University, how elite we are because there's only 40 "Filmies" on campus, and spread rumours about each other. It's quite gratifying. Moving on, this science course is the "here's a shitload of information crammed into three hours, 98% of which is incomprehensible, and also, I hate you as a student." Actually the profs are nice and the premise of the course is okay, but I'm a lazy shit and I have the attention span of 3 seconds, so if I'm not watching constant visual stimulation I know I'm not gonna pay attention. I'm one day into the class and I already know I don't care.

So why the fuck is the University forcing me to take a Science credit? I can see Science and Math students having to take an arts credit, cause FUCK, it's ARTS classes, any jackass can take a film course and pass. Arts is essentially entertainment, and it's pretty easy to avoid the theory courses of art and take the "fun" ones. Shit people, I paid 5 grand to watch 250 movies in the semester. What are you gonna do about it?



Haurez said...

I think they call it breadth. They make you take 1 credit in everything that you're not majoring in. But whatever, I got my science credit last year!

Haurez said...

Thats exactly what I said in one sentence, Mark.