Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The amount you read does not make you more right then someone else

I've been disappointed with myself in my lack of quality rants recently, but whatever. This one will again, not be very long, cause I'm kinda having those brief moments of anger. I blame my functional relationship for taking some of the steam out of me. I'm always more angry when I'm single - not because I'm single persay, but I have none of that inconvenient 'happiness' to bogg my otherwise hilarious and totally factual anger. But let's move on before I forget why I'm mad.

I can't stand when you're having a debate with people (an actual debate, not a yelling match or lecturing people because they're stupid, although when you win the debate you have the right.. nay, the duty to belittle them for having wrong thoughts) and instead of actually forming an oppositional opinion, all they do is list off a shitload of irrelevant texts and say that's why they're right. THAT'S NOT ARGUING, that's a fucking bookclub list. Example argument:

X: I think oil depletion is bad and the oil drilling technology is ultimately counter-productive to society.
Y: I disagree. As you can see with Roland Douchowitz's works and Garfunkle B. Fucktard's book I've Got Nothing To Say Because I'm an Idiot, as well as Cindy V. Disease's essay Still Not Forming My Own Opinion, it is clear that I can read but I'm inept in society.

Debates do not have required reading lists, especially when they're not live. This isn't a debate about who can read more and bring nothing to the table, because I can list off a shitload of who the fuck cares and claim that I'm right. NO. These douchebags clearly have no opinion and they're just self-richeous dumbasses that can say to themselves "I'm still smart and right, cause look at everything I've read! They haven't read that! So how could they be right? It doesn't matter that I just got debated into the ground by rational thought in the REAL WORLD... I've still got my mountains of everyone else's opinions to fortify my own ego."

Yeah, fuck you. And we all know at least one of these people. The guys that don't know how to do anything else but recite a list of fucking books. FORM YOUR OWN GODDAMN OPINION BASED ON RECENT FACTS, NOT WHAT SOME ASSBAG WROTE 70 YEARS AGO.


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