Saturday, October 29, 2005

Music is more important than you

"I realized something today - I like music. Music is great. If your thoughts go from 'what should I eat, to... I've failed everyone that's ever loved me', music is a great distration!" - Jon Stewart

Okay, I had to throw in a quote from Stewart, but that quote is more true than he thinks. Music is almost like a friend that will never let you down, as (in my opinion) it's the quickest access to push people's emotions. All it takes is a song that speaks to your mood at the time, and it instantly is like you're talking to a friend that understands how you feel. Music can help you "rock out", it can enhance happy moments...

But more importantly, it doesn't let you down, or leave you when you really need it - it's always right there, which is a quality that people don't have. I'm not saying people will always let you down, but there's just some times when nobody can be there when you need them, and that's when music helps.

For me, music acts as a calming agent - most specifically, Bloc Party's songs. When I get all wound up (or pissed off, sad, annoyed, etc), I throw on some Bloc, and I forget whatever's around me. It helps me space out for a few minutes, and clear my thoughts. I've never known any non-illegal or booze-related substance that helps alter your mind so freely. And we let it happen. This is a short rant, I know, but I really think music is the most persuasive medium (Film and TV come close, but music has an edge). After all, it's not like we get "shows" or "movies" stuck in our heads as much as songs or lyrics. And because the artists are real and not actors, music takes on a far more intimate identification with the listener - because it's like that artist understands. In TV and Film, the director, although they may identify with how you feel, you only view actors - and never put a concrete face to the opinions.


Thursday, October 27, 2005

The angriest rant of all

That's it people. I'm fucking tired of people dumping their problems on me over and over, the same problems, over and over, and NEVER FUCKING SOLVING IT. If these problems you're all having are so life-shatteringly devistating, make a fucking choice to either:

1: Do something about the fucking thing yourself; make a fucking choice for once
2: Live with it the way it is and shut the hell up.

Cause I'm so friggin uncaring towards everyone's problems now because no matter what advice they ask for from me, it's never carried through. If it was bad advice tell me, but if I'm making a point, then goddamn do it instead of padding your ego until you lose the balls to fucking change your life. Next time I have to hear the same shit come out of all your mouths, I'm going to make it so obvious that I don't give a shit you'll all hopefully get the point and shut up. You've had like 9000 chances to change your lives people - and if you're too chickenshit to make a decision by yourself then that's your goddamn problem. But life's way too fucking short to life in a shitty situation and never do dick about it. If you're not going to make a decision, or even make an effort to make a decision, shut the fuck up and live with your non-decision. Stop. Fucking. Complaining. To. Me. And. Do. Something.

Jesus titty-fucking christ people.


Saturday, October 22, 2005

Culture of Anti-Socialities

Okay, this is a hot topic of my mind, and it's actually unique for once.

I was thinking that society blows, which it does. Specifically, pop culture. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it's that virtually everyone you talk to you will claim to be unique in some way or other. While that's all good, and maybe true (but probably what people would say is total bullshit), alot of people find a way to separate themselves from society, in ways they are unique.

Society is faster and faster looking like a bad thing to be involved with, thanks in large part to popculture. What I've seen in the recent years is a general disdain for the moral dearth we experience, and blah blah blah "society is stupid/bad/I don't like it", etc etc, but it's the very thing that we say we don't like that we are part of.

It's becoming part of our society to hate our society. Maybe it's a Canadian "let's complain about everything" thing, but we've become the very thing we hate, and that's a society that hates society. We all say what we don't like about it, but we still go out and live it - after all, without it we'd never leave the house. Instead of instigating changes, we've merely accepted that society blows, but we're going to be a part of it because "everyone else is". Cult mentality, one of which virtually all of us are a part of. It's a small addition, but an addition nonetheless. If only we all knew that we can instigate change if we all knew we hated society.

Then again, gathering a society of people that hate society that want to change society to impose a society they would like seems kind of..... iroinc to me.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Despite the impression people may get from this blog, I'm actually an easy-going person in "reality".

However, that can sometimes result in me getting stepped all over. I, as I have ranted about in the past, do my best to be supportive, and etc etc. Alot of the times, I'll cancel plans for someone else, or switch my motives to hang out with someone. But what I really can't stand is when someone commits to me, and then decides to stand me up or do something else without notifying me. Emergencies I can understand (in retrospect), but I have a phone which is ALWAYS with me, it's not hard to leave me a message so I don't waste half my time waiting when I could be doing something more productive, in some instances, SLEEPING.

I have a busy schedule as it is, with 30 hours of class and two jobs (and possibly a third soon). It's just lucky for me that I don't sleep much more than 5-6 hours a night, sometimes 4, and recently, not sleeping for 62 hours in a row (not because I didn't want to). That extra time gives me a chance to use the midnight hours to catch up on all the things I'd usually do if I didn't have plans or work, but when people stand me up, I fuckin' hate it.

If I'm going to put the effort into seeing you, then the least you could do is tell me you can't make it or you'll be late - not just leaving without telling me. I'm a forgiving person since I'm too lazy to hold grudges, and I don't get expressively angry, because I don't want to say things I don't mean, plus I figure I'm bitter enough in my normal mood as it is. But just because I'm understanding doesn't give you the right to act like I won't give a shit if you keep standing me up - eventually I'll just stop caring, stop trying, then you won't have a person to talk to or hang out with. And then don't expect sympathy from me when you need something to talk about.

I'm not petty in the sense that I'll make plans with a person just to stand them up for revenge - that just makes you look like a bigger asshole - instead, avoiding the situation altogether keeps it from happening again. Then you're screwed. And if people think I have trouble cutting ties with people I know well, they're sadly mistaken. I refuse to be treated as a convienence person - the effort goes both ways.

That's all for now.


Monday, October 17, 2005

Random crap

People, by which I mean, nobody, have been wondering what this stylistically inclined blogger may look like outside of his pimp-like profile picture.

Also, because I'm essentially a camwhore, here's two more pics of me. Guess which one is the best picture ever taken of me.

I dunno why, but I like this pic of me.

It just never gets old.


Sunday, October 16, 2005

Will power and the lack of it

I absolutely can't stand some parts of myself that are seemingly impossible to change.

For example: I do enjoy writing, although I don't do it that often, and usually I start things and never finish them. It's more of a passing interest, but I think visually, which is why writing can be difficult at times.

However, I've developed a innate skill I'll call "essay bullshit". I pale in comparison to my old roommate, who could pimp out mindless shit the night before and still rake in 80's. Essays are easy for me to write, and I can digress for pages and then find some backwards way to make it seem to connect to my original point.

But when my essays go awry, I am usually too lazy to fix it. It's not a big deal since the lowest grade I've got on an essay was 72, back in first year. My real problem is that I just don't give a shit about my own education enough to try to do well. I enjoy risking everything, for some reason this gives me a thrill that I could fail for being so damn lazy.

Example: Right now I SHOULD be doing a months worth of readings for a midterm in two days, but I'm going to go in cold and bs my way through it.

I wish I could stop, cause virtually everyone but the master himself (old roomie) says this'll bite me in the ass. This sentence works well as a transition to my actual point.

I hate it when people try and control others actions through repeated lectures. I'm not a dumbass, I heard you the first time - but it's obvious I don't care, and I've grown tired of telling people to piss off with lectures about how I go through life. If someone can't respect you and the decisions you make, and you've made it clear that you're not listening to them, they need to get over their complex and just accept you for who you are. At least it gives them the right to throw it back in your face if they ever prove themselves wrong. The point is, if I'm not at a stage in my life where I feel uncomfortable slackassing my way through my degree, why the hell is everyone bothering me about it? I mean, I get lectured from a friend that dropped out of college because she has deluded visions that everyone is attracted to her and that they will only pass her if she sleeps with them. Shouldn't you be focussing on how fucked you are instead of telling me I should try harder? Last time I checked, my marks are still high(er than yours), so shut up.

Wow, that rant got pretty personal. I'll keep it informal next time.


Monday, October 10, 2005

I'm tired

Of having to hear how every disaster is an act of god, and how people surviving is a miracle. NO IT'S FUCKING NOT!!!

Look, I've got nothing against the people struggling in New Orleans, but if you were too retarded to leave that Waterworld 2: Kevin Costner free! set, then fuck, it's not a miracle that you managed to swim your ass down a flooded street or hole up in a 1X1 patch of land while eating a tin of beans until someone smarter then you rescued you. Why the fuck didn't you leave 3 days before it happened?

And the people that were stuck because they couldn't swim - HA! That's what you get for living there.

