Friday, July 29, 2005

LiveJournal "friends"

I'm sorry people, but if you have a LiveJournal account, you're getting slammed by me. However, the plus side is, if you have a LiveJournal account, you're probably too full of shit to read what I say, or you'll just be like "He doesn't understand what it's like to be" (at this point I've stopped listening and giving a shit).

Anyway, if you have "Friends" on your livejournal account, unless you know them in PERSON and are actually FRIENDS with them, they're not actually friends... having a bunch of internet losers that are obsessed with this cult mentality is bullshit. LiveJournal is NOT a place to claim your popularity. In fact, LiveJournal itself is almost fucking pointless, unless you're going to make fun of other idiots who have delusional visages of thinking others care about their worthless lives.

MAKE REAL FRIENDS - Internet ones don't count. You're not popular if you never leave your room. You're not popular if you don't actually know real people. Social interaction may be bullshit, but it's better than faking it.



Thursday, July 28, 2005

Life advice from some guy I know

.....but most of you don't. Actually, probably all of you don't know him. Anyways, while talking about avoiding conversations that you don't care about, he dropped this gem:

Justin --> "you know what really grinds my gears? when you can't find the droids you're looking for!" says:
1. everybody sucks
2. everybody lies
3. nobody gives a shit

So true. Thank you, demi-god of conversational avoidance!


Monday, July 25, 2005

Don't enroll at UWO

So my fucking University cancelled the class I set my entire goddamn schedule around. I'd go on about how pissed off I am, but I think just pasting this email would more accurately describe how pissed off I am.

Fuckers cancelled one of my classes WITHOUT fucking notifying me. One I was enrolled in. AND IT WAS THE BEST FUCKING CLASS I HAD. Now I'm 0.5 credits short, and my schedule is FUCKED. This is fucking horseshit. I might as fucking well drop out for all I care now. Fucking University pieces of shit can fucking go and fuck themselves. They've fucking charged me for a full year and then they fucking drop a fucking course. These fucktards have no fucking soul. My schedule was pisspoor as it was first sem, now it's gonna get fucking worse. I set my fucking schedule up around this fucking course and the assholes fucking fuck me like a fucking fuckpile of fucking fuckers. I fucking hate this shithole University.


Yeah, I'm fucking pissed off.


A plague that must be stopped

It's time I warned the faithful readers (all three of them) of a deadly plague that is crushing the inner souls of most people under 40 - and it's called Soft Rock.

Stores will pump this crap out while the youthful people that are essentially faceless lackeys in a heartless world have to suffer this for hours and hours. Literally, this kind of non-offensive, non-talented, non-lyrically unique, pointless music that causes many University students to hate where they work is killing any creativity that could be used.

For example: Someone could have a genius idea to solve world hunger, but that idea is sucked away by the fact that the shitty "Soft Rock" that rants about loving some assbag or leaving some assbag enrages them - resulting in the genius with the idea to NOT want to help the world when all it'll turn out is that crap.

Either that, or the idea becomes lost from the mind-numbing effect that music has. I am a firm believer that this music literally kills a part of you inside, taking away what makes us human. As youthful individuals that the world endlessly says they will to become the next leaders and decision makers, why would you destroy what makes us hopeful for a non-bleak future when you hear basically one song played on repeat, sung by different people that STILL sound the same?

I hearby raise that the University and College students with any talent or hope for the future, or with an idea to progress the world, to band together and ransack any building that plays that crap.

Violence is the only solution now - we've gone beyond the stage of negioating for rationality.


-Mark, leading the anti-soft-rock charge.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Microsoft hates its own products, and me, apparently

Okay, I'm not a fan of Microsoft's immeasureable evil and plague of shitty products that infect the internet and our operating systems, slowly destroying our morals, souls, and anything else that Microsoft can take from us and exploit, all the while making backdoor deals to keep us in endless pain when we operate our computers. That's the baseline that we're starting on, people. I have done many things to make my shitty OS (Windows ME, which took me 2 years to get working with minimal kinks) work well, and it's still bitchy from time to time, thanks mainly to Microsoft hating the patches and fixes other people make because they're tired of dealing with the Blue Screen of Death 400 times a day.

I've wanted to boycott Microsoft shit many times, but unfortunately I can't negate myself to 5% of the computer world, so I choose to hate (outspokenly) certain products that blow incomprehenseable chunks. Like Internet Explorer, which I ditched almost in its entirety for Firefox when IE stopped loading buttons, links, and took 400 hours to download anything, when it decided it was going to download shit, or load Quicktime, or basically even load my fucking homepage. I've dealt with everything that can go wrong in that shitty ass program, like the about:blank error, endless virus attacks, and IE's crack addiction that nearly spread to my RAM. Turns out my motherboard was the dealer. Anyway, I digress. The point was, I stopped using IE for Firefox.

However, I'm binded by the horrors that is MSN Messenger. I'd use AIM (I have AIM, but I'm not on it frequently) instead, but switching from Microsoft to AOL is like slicing your wrists with a knife instead of a razorblade. It hurts, and it's a slow bleed that you can't stop. Also, the thought of slicing my wrists makes we want to pass out, so let's move on. I also have Yahoo IM, but fuck that shit. I might as well just reload ICQ on my computer and talk to absolutely nobody, because nobody uses useless shit programs that nobody else is ever on. It pains me to say this, but sadly, MSN Messenger is the best chatting program out there as of right now. But that's like finding a penny in a pile of horseshit after searching for hours - it's not something you go and tell your friends about.

Well, as I eventually get to my point, I was using MSN 7.0.0777, whatever the fuck that version that is. There's a new one out, 7.0.0813 and 7.0.0816, which after much procrastinating, I finally decided to take a stab at. I'd patched 0777 to my liking, which meant MSN Messenger without any trace of MSN. Well, it updated..... kind of. After telling me I needed IE 6.0, which I already had (solely for the purpose of having 0777), I tried running some other patches and programs to get around the fact that Microsoft apparently refuses to recognize it's own sister programs on the same computer. I got a "we've added all our useless shit you'll never use" updated 7.0.0813, and I promptly tried to patch it. However, the patch I was using was meant for 7.0.0816, so I either had to live with the useless added shit 7.0.0813 or find 0816, which I set off to do. I found 0816 on (link removed because I hate Microsoft and would never encourage anyone to go there), and Dled it. Tried to install it and got a nice "You can't do that because you Don't have IE 6.0" message. This seemed to be more persistant than the other, so I decided I'd simply return to 0777 and live with the patch I had that I knew worked. After all, I wasn't having any problems with it.

WELL, Microsoft then apparently turned it's hate on itself, giving me the "You can't do that because you Don't have IE 6.0" message, even though I'd already used 0777 on my computer, as recently as 5 minutes before trying to update. Well I then made the mistake of uninstalling MSN altogether and trying to start over. No dice, same message. So I decided to try and update to 6.0........again. That didn't take either.

By now, my blood had risen a few degrees in temperature. I had experienced Microsoft pointlessly not updating it's own products and demanding to update to them endlessly, but I got pissed and COMPLETELY DELETED INTERNET EXPLORER. This was a small moral victory for me, as I was not sad to see it leave my computer. However, it was short lived as I need MSN to contact all my people (I don't own a cell phone, because I also hate phones.... but soon I will be forced to own one, if I ever want to escape this place and live free), etc etc etc. So I tried getting 6.0 from scratch. No dice. 400 restarts later, I once again DELETED INTERNET EXPLORER. (It feels so good to write that). After pissing around, exchanging punches with my keyboard (which I'm surprised is still working.... I beat on this mother like nothing else, and it just keeps working. Gotta love it), this is how I got back to where I fucking started:

1: Tried installing an old messenger version (6.2)
2: That took, but then it turns out Microsoft doesn't want people using their products to actually get anywhere, so they wouldn't let me sign in without updating.
3: Deleted MSN 6.2
4: Found an old version of IE (5.5)
5: Installed IE 5.5
6: Attempted to update to 6.0, which for some reason actually happened this time.
7: Downloaded 7.0.0777, and installed it.
8: Saw all the useless shit, ran messpatch and cleaned it up.

That took about 15 minutes. All in all, I wasted about an hour and a half getting absolutely fucking nowhere. So after all my annoyances with MSN, it seems it has bested me until I lose my mind and firebomb MSN corporate offices (see: Newspaper headline August 2006: Crazed University Student Frees Humanity from Microsoft's Oppression, Gets 4 hookers to celebrate), but I have since decided this:

I'm never updating microsoft products again until I ABSOLUTELY have to (eg: It stops working because it's too old (a la 6.2)), or until I get a new computer. Which will never happen, because I love Sexlexia, even though it's an abusive relationship.

In summation: Microsoft blows, send them letters filled with locusts or semen or something else unpleasant.


Monday, July 11, 2005


So I went and saw War of the Worlds last week, and I was actually fairly impressed with it. The story wasn't all that different, although there was some key changes about the invasion of aliens that was cool. However, it's come to my attention that Steven Speilberg has no fucking CLUE how to end a movie.

Sure, there was things I loved in the movie - like the lasers that turned people into dust, and the scene where it was raining clothes. Gold. And the special effects were very well done, but then it's like he just didn't know how to end the movie, or how shitty human warfare would defeat an obviously superior force..... so he shat himself and decided that they just "died". He tried to throw together a nonsensical explanation a la Morgan Freeman's narration, which actually had the word "micro" in it, which either meant the aliens died via bacteria, or that humans were micro and won via the aliens "forgetting" to turn on their shields or some other nonsensical bullshit.

And that fucking kid DIED. You can't just have him run into an explosion, disappear for the rest of the movie and have him randomly appear at the end alive and fine and there before the main character and his daughter. He's DEAD... half the fucking army he ran after died, but he survived with no protective clothing (not that it would have helped anyway), no weapons, and no transportation? Bullshit, he's dead.

Steven Spielberg can make good movies (Jaws, but that was 30 years ago), but when you forget how to end a movie or end it without a climax, it really ruins the whole thing.

I'd rate the movie in stars, but fuck that shit - watch it yourself, nobody gives a shit what I rate the movie out of. I still recommend watching it, just be prepared to be pissed at the end of it.
