Sunday, December 25, 2005

A Holiday Day Sexbomb

This is actually ripped off from a message board where I post (I made the post, so relax), but it's good so I'm pasting it here. Happy Holiday Day, everyone: This is my present to you.

I think the biggest problem with sexuality in North American culture is that everyone wants it to be "taboo", while the younger generation (and probably this applies to everyone when they're young except a small minority) don't care. For many, sex is a means to an end, a release - and that works for both sexes if it's the right person.

But the absolute biggest problem (compounding this with the tabbo sexuality) is each gender's willingness to blame the other sex for things. It's happened in this thread (I'm not making accussations here; I'm simply being observational, so please don't take offense.) and it'll continue to happen in reality well past anything we can discuss.

But for the most part, the person is willing to blame the opposite sex for things because they aren't sure of what they want for themselves. Ask most girls, and it's likely that at some point will say they want a "sweet, sexy guy", etc etc etc. Ask most guys that aren't a douchebag, and they'll say they want an "attractive, smart girl" etc etcetc. We're not exactly on different pages, but (here I go bashing society) there's this inherent manhood complex in the social scene that a guy isn't a man if he isn't a macho assbag that acts like he wants to bang every hot girl that comes his way. If he has emotions, that somehow makes him less of a man.

And although this is finally starting to break down, the whole complex of the guy having to make the first move is bullshit. More often than not, both parties are interested but this idiotic construct of waiting for the guy to make the move slows things down. It doesn't happen all the time (I've been on both ends of that string), but it's ridiculous. Say you want a guy, and you're fairly certain he wants you (relationship, not sex). Just make the damn move. Both sides waiting for this "perfect moment" (and I'm extremely guilty of that) is horseshit. This kind of awkward "well if she pulls back it's changes everything" and vise versa is stupid - if you go for it and it happens the way you want it to, it STILL CHANGES EVERYTHING. How many long term relationships that end ever go back to the "just friends" thing? Very few. I was in a 4½ year relationship at one point in my life, and when I called it off, we've only spoken a few times since.

Anyway, where was I? Right. The sooner people realize that waiting for that "perfect" moment is pointless because it could essentially ruin what could be the "shot", the sooner I can drive this point home: Life isn't a perfect moment. So you met your next bf/gf in some alley or in a car accident or after your house burned down, or whatever. Who cares? You met them, and isn't that all that really matters in the grand scheme of things?

Oh right.. yeah. Free love. Works for some, not for others. Should it be legalized? Yeah - it's not like we're not aware of the dangers before we go to a strip club or before we get funky with someone. That's life.



Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Generation of Cynicism

Wow. Back to back rants. I'm on a pre-Holiday roll.

Okay, what the fuck is wrong with society not trying to hurt anyone's feelings? Like, suddenly it's a goddamn crime to tell some asshat schoolchild they're wrong, or tell some other teenager that they're a douchebag for thinking like a dumbass. Since when was ALWAYS being positive a good solution?

Seriously, the college/University/recent born people grew up with people riding their ass every time they fucked up. And that's the way it SHOULD be. If we teach our kids that no matter what they do, they're never really doing anything negative, they're going to grow up in some magical hippy fairy world where they never grasp the concept of failure, which will ultimately lead to them becoming total fuck ups. ("No, Pi is exactly 3!"). Is that the kind of fucking world we want when people my age are middle-aged and ready to end it all cause their kids are fuckups cause they weren't allowed to fucking tell them they were wrong?

If we never tell people they're wrong, if we never make people SCARED of fucking up so bad everyone will reject them, then we're NEVER going to progress. If you look at the world today, there's more riots, more political unrest, more distrust in leadership, more apathy then ever before from the 80's born - why? Because we've grown up seeing through the bullshit - just as we were taught. There's no more time to be told "everything's okay, you're still right." Being force-fed positive bullshit all the time leads people never to strive to be better, and that reflects on a social scale. Collectively this 80's-gen wants change, because we're tired of seeing fuckups. It's doubtful we'll get the chance to lead the change as an individual, but when enough of us are beaten to hell by riot police, and we annoy the fuck out of enough important people, changes will start to occur. We just haven't rioted right yet. But alas, when it's figured out, shit will get serious. I could give a fuck if the entire city I live in is burned to the ground if PEOPLE GET THE POINT THAT WE WANT CHANGE. How did we ever grow up being told negative things? We've seen through the bullshit - we've become very good at it. Older generations are just ready to accept things for how they are, or they are so wrapped up in themselves that they don't want anything to change.

Well face it. The next generation is the Generation of Cynicism, and that doesn't bode well for those who are set in their ways. Society should never get "comfortable" in a certain way, and it's getting mighty comfortable repressing any thoughts that disagree with it right now. Apart from that, it's still swinging in the wrong direction. Once we start telling the younger ones that it's NOT okay to be wrong and think you're right, we'll start to see a positive swing in society. I'll get into my political views in a later rant, cause I definitely don't think one party should rule all for long periods of time.

Well now you know. Tell those fucks when they're wrong, make them cry if you have to. We've spent long enough respecting their feelings and trying to make everyone feel good. Now it's time we pull our heads out of our asses.


The mundane is not interesting

I've noticed this for the last year and a bit, and at last it's built up enough swagger for me to rant about it.

I'll admit, when I'm bored frequently, I go on message boards. For the most part it's about baseball, but whatever. There's a few I just go back to for nostagala's sake. But what I've noticed on those, and on blogs, is people's seemingly never-ending conquest to let absolutely anyone that reads or sees them EVERYTHING they're doing. Like, it's some kind of cult to be a user. Who gives a fuck? Or the endless signatures on message boards that show people the "last songs listened to by user jackass".

It does not give you more status to plug every pointless thing you do on the internet. "Oh, I use firefox." "Oh, I use Wikipedia." "Oh, I listen to music." Seriously, why should I give a shit? This is just indicitive of a larger problem - people that have no life turn to the internet to feel elitists because they can't do shit in reality. Wow, you're cool cause you can reject people you've never met. Oh, you're cool because you use wikipedia - something EVERY GODDAMN PERSON that wants to know something uses.

You don't see every asshat on the street saying "Hey! I obey traffic signals! I'm better than you!", so why does this give us an open ticket on the internet? I can start idiotic random cults of people that use information sources or ENJOY MUSIC. What could you possibly have in common with someone else that uses wikipedia? "Oh my god, we both use the same internet resource site! You're so fuckin' awesome now!"

Jackass. And don't give me that "free speech" bullshit. Free speech applies to people speaking their mind without persecution, NOT telling everyone every piece of useless shit you did in the day. Free speech allows me to say things like "All religion is wrong" or "I disagree with the politics of Uzbekistan" and I won't get killed for it. NOT "I had a piece of toast when I woke up today, and I also use wikipedia when I need to look up something." Note the difference.


Thursday, December 15, 2005

Avoison. (It's a word, look it up!)

Okay, I've tried to avoid this for awhile, but it seems that I just kept getting slapped in the face with it.

Christmas. "Merry Christmas", "Happy Holidays", "Fuck you and your celebration", honestly people, it doesn't mean shit how you call it. It's the same damn thing. Why are people so upset that a shitload of people that are trying so hard "not to offend non-Christmas celebrating people" by saying Merry Christmas? I've read articles about schools banning the word Christmas in classes - why? Seriously, I'm an agnostic that doesn't "celebrate" Christmas but I still take the day off and whore gifts at people, I just don't call it Christmas. I made it my own day (affectionately called "Holiday Day" to myself).

But honestly, has the governments around the world ran out of important things to complain about? So people don't celebrate Christmas - who gives a fuck? Why is the government in USA (and Canada, to a lesser extent) making so sure they don't offend anyone, and then all these batshit insane people start complaining about being oppressed?

Here's the solution to this problem, in a way that NOBODY can complain (even though they will): Oppress every single religion-specific holiday name in the history of time. Anyone that disagrees is shot. Either that, or SHUT THE FUCK UP and live with it. I mean, how the hell did I grow up being non-religious and having to hear "Merry Christmas" every year? Here's how: I just did, and I didn't give a shit.

Now obviously I'm a pretty special case, being that I really don't give a fuck about much of anything - but it just pisses me off when people bitch about the changing world. It's gonna change, jackass. That doesn't give you an open ticket to endlessly complain about how you're being left behind. It's not exactly like one person is on some random crusade to stop people from saying Merry Christmas.

It's highly unlikely that anyone non-religious that sees the sign "Merry Christmas" in a store window will get offended. And if they do, and complain, then DON'T SHOP THERE. It's not like the general public has the conviction to stand by their boycotts. The only thing I've ever boycotted and stuck to it was McDonalds food and drinks. I've still ate the ice cream, cause y'know.. that's ice cream. And I do that like once a year.

Anyway, I digress. The point is that I'm tired of hearing BOTH sides of the Christmas argument. Say "Merry Christmas" if you want to; don't if you don't. There's way bigger injustices going on in the world ("like why are these politicans in office?", and "shit, Holiday Day is in 10 days and I haven't started shopping.")


Monday, December 12, 2005

I'm back, meatfucks!

Okay, so my bajillion things HAVE FINALLY COMPLETED (including a relationship! I know what you're thinking.... how did this cynical bastard get a girlfriend? Well now he doesn't have one, so relax. The world is right again.), which leads me to rant freely again for a month. LOOKOUT FUCKERS!!

Okay. The smoking thing. I hinted at it previously, but now it's time to let the shit out. What the fuck is with smokers? It's got to be possibly the most unattractive thing a person can do to their image. Yes, please, let me make out with an ashtray or give myself cancer cause you're a douchebag. I mean, there are attractive people, but when I see them smoking, it fills me with disdain - first, you're fucking up my environment, my health, and you look like something that got shit out of a leather store. I mean, especially for females - where is the desire in talking like a trucker named Rosco and looking like you're 45 at 22? "It helps me relax." Well fuck you. Get the fuck away from my entranceway, and I don't want to see you while you smell like ass. It reflects badly enough that that shit sticks to my clothes just from me walking by you wads of cancer.

I hope you all burn yourselves to death. Or stay the fuck out of my sight.
