Sunday, December 25, 2005

A Holiday Day Sexbomb

This is actually ripped off from a message board where I post (I made the post, so relax), but it's good so I'm pasting it here. Happy Holiday Day, everyone: This is my present to you.

I think the biggest problem with sexuality in North American culture is that everyone wants it to be "taboo", while the younger generation (and probably this applies to everyone when they're young except a small minority) don't care. For many, sex is a means to an end, a release - and that works for both sexes if it's the right person.

But the absolute biggest problem (compounding this with the tabbo sexuality) is each gender's willingness to blame the other sex for things. It's happened in this thread (I'm not making accussations here; I'm simply being observational, so please don't take offense.) and it'll continue to happen in reality well past anything we can discuss.

But for the most part, the person is willing to blame the opposite sex for things because they aren't sure of what they want for themselves. Ask most girls, and it's likely that at some point will say they want a "sweet, sexy guy", etc etc etc. Ask most guys that aren't a douchebag, and they'll say they want an "attractive, smart girl" etc etcetc. We're not exactly on different pages, but (here I go bashing society) there's this inherent manhood complex in the social scene that a guy isn't a man if he isn't a macho assbag that acts like he wants to bang every hot girl that comes his way. If he has emotions, that somehow makes him less of a man.

And although this is finally starting to break down, the whole complex of the guy having to make the first move is bullshit. More often than not, both parties are interested but this idiotic construct of waiting for the guy to make the move slows things down. It doesn't happen all the time (I've been on both ends of that string), but it's ridiculous. Say you want a guy, and you're fairly certain he wants you (relationship, not sex). Just make the damn move. Both sides waiting for this "perfect moment" (and I'm extremely guilty of that) is horseshit. This kind of awkward "well if she pulls back it's changes everything" and vise versa is stupid - if you go for it and it happens the way you want it to, it STILL CHANGES EVERYTHING. How many long term relationships that end ever go back to the "just friends" thing? Very few. I was in a 4½ year relationship at one point in my life, and when I called it off, we've only spoken a few times since.

Anyway, where was I? Right. The sooner people realize that waiting for that "perfect" moment is pointless because it could essentially ruin what could be the "shot", the sooner I can drive this point home: Life isn't a perfect moment. So you met your next bf/gf in some alley or in a car accident or after your house burned down, or whatever. Who cares? You met them, and isn't that all that really matters in the grand scheme of things?

Oh right.. yeah. Free love. Works for some, not for others. Should it be legalized? Yeah - it's not like we're not aware of the dangers before we go to a strip club or before we get funky with someone. That's life.



1 comment:

Mark said...

I few the "love" in a different way, but that's a different rant altogehter (and likely controversial). I just don't understand the whole construct of being classic or whatever you want to call it. It's not important in the long run, and more than likely the longer you wait the more chance you have to miss the opportunity.