Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Generation of Cynicism

Wow. Back to back rants. I'm on a pre-Holiday roll.

Okay, what the fuck is wrong with society not trying to hurt anyone's feelings? Like, suddenly it's a goddamn crime to tell some asshat schoolchild they're wrong, or tell some other teenager that they're a douchebag for thinking like a dumbass. Since when was ALWAYS being positive a good solution?

Seriously, the college/University/recent grads...er...1980-1987 born people grew up with people riding their ass every time they fucked up. And that's the way it SHOULD be. If we teach our kids that no matter what they do, they're never really doing anything negative, they're going to grow up in some magical hippy fairy world where they never grasp the concept of failure, which will ultimately lead to them becoming total fuck ups. ("No, Pi is exactly 3!"). Is that the kind of fucking world we want when people my age are middle-aged and ready to end it all cause their kids are fuckups cause they weren't allowed to fucking tell them they were wrong?

If we never tell people they're wrong, if we never make people SCARED of fucking up so bad everyone will reject them, then we're NEVER going to progress. If you look at the world today, there's more riots, more political unrest, more distrust in leadership, more apathy then ever before from the 80's born - why? Because we've grown up seeing through the bullshit - just as we were taught. There's no more time to be told "everything's okay, you're still right." Being force-fed positive bullshit all the time leads people never to strive to be better, and that reflects on a social scale. Collectively this 80's-gen wants change, because we're tired of seeing fuckups. It's doubtful we'll get the chance to lead the change as an individual, but when enough of us are beaten to hell by riot police, and we annoy the fuck out of enough important people, changes will start to occur. We just haven't rioted right yet. But alas, when it's figured out, shit will get serious. I could give a fuck if the entire city I live in is burned to the ground if PEOPLE GET THE POINT THAT WE WANT CHANGE. How did we ever grow up being told negative things? We've seen through the bullshit - we've become very good at it. Older generations are just ready to accept things for how they are, or they are so wrapped up in themselves that they don't want anything to change.

Well face it. The next generation is the Generation of Cynicism, and that doesn't bode well for those who are set in their ways. Society should never get "comfortable" in a certain way, and it's getting mighty comfortable repressing any thoughts that disagree with it right now. Apart from that, it's still swinging in the wrong direction. Once we start telling the younger ones that it's NOT okay to be wrong and think you're right, we'll start to see a positive swing in society. I'll get into my political views in a later rant, cause I definitely don't think one party should rule all for long periods of time.

Well now you know. Tell those fucks when they're wrong, make them cry if you have to. We've spent long enough respecting their feelings and trying to make everyone feel good. Now it's time we pull our heads out of our asses.


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