Saturday, October 22, 2005

Culture of Anti-Socialities

Okay, this is a hot topic of my mind, and it's actually unique for once.

I was thinking that society blows, which it does. Specifically, pop culture. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it's that virtually everyone you talk to you will claim to be unique in some way or other. While that's all good, and maybe true (but probably what people would say is total bullshit), alot of people find a way to separate themselves from society, in ways they are unique.

Society is faster and faster looking like a bad thing to be involved with, thanks in large part to popculture. What I've seen in the recent years is a general disdain for the moral dearth we experience, and blah blah blah "society is stupid/bad/I don't like it", etc etc, but it's the very thing that we say we don't like that we are part of.

It's becoming part of our society to hate our society. Maybe it's a Canadian "let's complain about everything" thing, but we've become the very thing we hate, and that's a society that hates society. We all say what we don't like about it, but we still go out and live it - after all, without it we'd never leave the house. Instead of instigating changes, we've merely accepted that society blows, but we're going to be a part of it because "everyone else is". Cult mentality, one of which virtually all of us are a part of. It's a small addition, but an addition nonetheless. If only we all knew that we can instigate change if we all knew we hated society.

Then again, gathering a society of people that hate society that want to change society to impose a society they would like seems kind of..... iroinc to me.



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Mark said...

Yeah, there's a certain unending irony to gathering people of like-mindedness to take down other people of like-mindedness.

If you never interacted with people though, that's not society.