Monday, October 10, 2005

I'm tired

Of having to hear how every disaster is an act of god, and how people surviving is a miracle. NO IT'S FUCKING NOT!!!

Look, I've got nothing against the people struggling in New Orleans, but if you were too retarded to leave that Waterworld 2: Kevin Costner free! set, then fuck, it's not a miracle that you managed to swim your ass down a flooded street or hole up in a 1X1 patch of land while eating a tin of beans until someone smarter then you rescued you. Why the fuck didn't you leave 3 days before it happened?

And the people that were stuck because they couldn't swim - HA! That's what you get for living there.




Anonymous said...

And to paraphrase His Holiness Jon Stewart, "since a hurricane is considered an act of god, it appears he's already made up his mind."

Haurez said...

Good call

Anonymous said...

Maybe I sound like a jerk, but the point is that they had something like 3-4 days of endless warnings about how the levys would break, how the hurricane was huge, how it wasn't moving off course... and they still stayed. Okay some people couldn't leave, but those that could and didn't - I have no sympathy, and they're not heroes for dealing with the problem they could have avoided.


Mark said...

I never said they deserved it, I just said I don't have sympathy for them.

Anonymous said...

[quote] wow, what a jerk you sound like for having such mean thoughts towards people who were struck by a natural disaster.[/quote]

Living in a well known flood zone while a hurricane the size of Texas is heading right for you != all that swift.

There's a limit for feeling sorry for someone when they know a disaster is aimed right at them. This isn't the 18th century, there is a warning. Three days you could have walked out of town instead of "hmm...well we're below sea level, I'm sure nothing will happen to us."