Saturday, September 24, 2005

Generational problems

Okay, since I seem to be binge-angry right now, here's another rant - fresh for the masses.

I've noticed that one problem with our generation is that we're chronic liars. Now this isn't to say that the older generations or younger generations (probably too young, since I'm talking the 18-28 demographic here) don't lie, I'm just saying that our generation has become almost solely dependant on lies.

We seem to feel compelled to lie - either to cover up something, or just to make our lives more mysterious. One could be doing something totally pointless, and they'd tell others they were out shopping, when the reality is they were just hanging with a friend. I can't understand this. I'm typically a brutally honest person, usually painfully blunt as well.

Maybe it's that the older generations just don't trust us - it probably stems from feeling like we have to lie to make it seem like we're innocent. Fuck that, just tell the truth. If you lie, you're probably ashamed of your actions, or afraid of the consequences. I really don't care about the consequences of what I do, so I just tell people what I've done.

Creating a community of distrust has destroyed any kind of honesty one may ever have. Relationships are ruined between people over small things because it's just a lie that compounds, and compounds to save the lie. Why do people care so much about covering up?

People shouldn't have to feel like they have to lie to live the way they want. So many say they don't care what others think, but it's clear they do if they lie to everyone about what they do. If you really want to be who you're comfortable with, be it, and tell others that's who you are.

I hate it when people lie to me - it just makes me stop talking to them. So if anyone wonders why I'm not talking to them anymore - now you know. What really, really, pisses me off is when people lie in the sense that "well this person did that for me, so you should too". The reality is, they're just saying that to make it seem like you should, when it's just taking advantage of you.

That and when people say they'll be somewhere at a certain time knowing they won't. If you say you'll be back from wherever at noon, and you come back seven hours later... yeah, that's a lie too.



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Jebus, that teeth whitening information was damned SHOCKING! Congrats on the first run of comment spam. I've noticed most blogspots have enabled the (annoying but useful) word validation feature to dispose of this shit. You might want to follow suit, unless you're actually bored enough to read all those innovative suggestions for curing depression.

Mark said...

Holy fuck, how could I have ever done without teeth whitening information? That totally relates to my post about generation gap.

Gotta love how comment spam could be relevant, but they just get some douchebags to comment shit all over the place. Brings a metaphorical tear to my eye. No wait, it's more like a kick in the junk.

The SHOCKING word validation feature will be groinsacked into operation. And that link to the "Coolest Guy on the Planet" is clearly a lie. John Wilkes Booth was the coolest guy on the planet. Gotta have balls to shoot Lincoln.

Mark said...

Sometimes though, people lie just for the sake of lying. I know that absolutely everyone lies one time or another - myself included. I don't like it and I don't do it often, but that's really come from me not caring whether or not people are mad at me - for the most part I find it amusing to see how irrational people can get when they yell.

The thing is, lying is really dishonest - if you have to lie to a significant other frequently, there's some trust issues in the relationship.

Cheating is just terrible regardless. It's understandable for a one-time mistake, but more than that usually means: The person is a whore/bastard/non-gender specific sexfiend, or they're looking for satisfaction with someone else for something lacking in their relationship. If you can't communicate in a relationship, you simply shouldn't be in it. I always see routine cheating (with the same person repeatedly) as a thing someone does because they either can't leave their relationship, or they still have the sense of security, but not adventure.

Either way, you shouldn't be in a relationship if you're cheating.