Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Back with a raging

So, I'm a loud person when I'm joking. Why? Because it's hilarious. But as far as society niceties go, I've given up on them. Not because I felt the need to have them before, but because honestly, if someone's listening in to my conversations (which are pretty much always outrageously offensive), there's no way it's my fault if you get offended.

I've had people tell me "you shouldn't say that" before, to which I've responded "shut your fucking face and stop listening then." Those were my prouder moments. Look, it's not like I don't know what I'm saying - fuck, I love offending people, because it throws them off their stupid little "I'm so great" platform. Why the HELL should we be so careful about what we say? What, cause some douche with a stick shoved so far up his ass he can't walk will be offended?

If we're always worried about speaking our mind, and saying whatever random shit we want to, then we'll never learn to accept each other. What, I have to change who I am so you like me? Fuck you, I'm not trying to make you like me - I'm doing what I feel like. If you don't like it, don't listen, or leave. Fuck, I constantly overhear people saying dumb shit, and I don't ever say anything, and I definitely don't get offended. But this whole concept of "don't hurt anyone's feelings" is fucking garbage. We should always hurt everyone's feelings from the beginning so we don't have a bunch of bitchy, whiny, "oh my god you shouldn't say that, it'll offend someone" douches.

God I hate society. Get a clue. We'll never get along if we don't get over our stupid self-complexes that we try to enforce on other people. IF you wanna tell me off for being obnoxious, go ahead - but just prepare for a mouthful in return.



Haurez said...

Mark, you couldn't be farther from the truth on that last line of your posting... and some how, we're still good friends.

Mark said...

Either you're illiterate, or just stupid, cause the last line of my posting is this: "IF you wanna tell me off for being obnoxious, go ahead - but just prepare for a mouthful in return."

It's got nothing to do with truth or lies. It's me expressing who I am. And yes we're good friends, but I hold no punches.

And Laurie, you're damn right. On both counts.

Haurez said...

What I probably should have wrote was "no shit" or "no kidding." I mean it is true that you "IF you wanna tell me off for being obnoxious, go ahead - but just prepare for a mouthful in return" that you'll actually do just that. Like you said, its who you are. Whatever.