Saturday, February 19, 2005


So after a hellish two weeks (that ended on a good note, for once - score for wandering around downtown and watching some random Chinese movie), slack week is finally upon me. I'm going to stick with my "1 shot per day minimum", and do my best to accomplish: nothing. For all those highschool punks and people who haven't had their slack week already, I laugh derisively at you.

Anywho, I've been thinking. About life and stuff (which brings me to the Clone High quote: If by life you mean sex, and by thinking you mean having!), but this is my Canadian-biased rant about Democrats in America. Are they TRYING to fail?

Honestly people, you were up against Bush and you LOST. The last two candidates you put fourth might as well have been ripped straight off of the movie "Equilibrium". Bush at least had one thing Kerry didn't: Charisma. Even if he's a flaming moron that's running his country into the ground and destroying the world with religious beliefs (a la Ann Coulter's quote about the middle east: "We should kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity"), it's remarkable that you couldn't front someone that couldn't beat Bush in an election. Seriously, you could have put a drunk monkey up for election and he'd have a better chance of winning than Kerry did. It's not the American people's fault; well it is for electing Bush, but I'm talking about for Kerry. The Democrats must have been in a room saying "how can we fuck this up?" before nominating Kerry.

But now they're trying to outdo themselves after that catastrophic failure, by shoving Howard Dean in some position of power. Why would you do that? Tell me, why? Is this some joke, or are the Democrats secretly Republicians that are trying to help Bush. . . or something? Conspiracies abound, all of them stupid. But with the Dem's latest blunder, it's no wonder they lost the election. Still though. . . I mean. . . Bush? I didn't think it was possible to lose to him. . . twice.

That's why I'll never leave Canada. Our forces may be weak, and our Government is useless (at least Paul Martin is), but we're not losing to Bush.


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