Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Hacks in University Politics

Okay, here we are. The first politics rant. And it's a doozy. After getting over how sham-like University is (for the one billionth time), I finally caught some rage for free speech. So there's these people in the University Community Centre (UCC) handing out pamphlets about voting for some jerk for USC Prez, which I don't care about. These people are easy to spot because they look like idiots wearing a "vote for jerkoff #1" t-shirt... and there's 3 or 4 candidate hacks wandering around interupting people while they try to eat to waste some paper giving them a pamphlet that will likely meet the trash can.
Being an environmentalist, I have issues with that wasteful nature, but that's a different rant. What gets me is that they interupt people who are doing whatever, which is fine if these people aren't doing anything important, but to get all offended when someone turns down a paper or tells them WHY they won't vote for said person (my reason was "I don't know enough or care enough to vote"), so this guy says "well just vote for jerkoff #1 anyway if you don't care". What the hell? I'm not going to vote for some random person that I know nothing about or what they stand for. Now I'm not big on politics anyway (since my party is still fringe and I'm lazy) but to be just 'told' to vote for some random idiot is like just telling someone to shoot a guy because you don't know him or care about him.
So I was going to go off on this hack about why he's wrong to command me what to do, but I was respectful and didn't. But he hands me the paper and waits for me to accept it. I just stared at him and said "no". He was obviously confused about why I wouldn't just take the paper, and I told him I had no interest so it would be a waste of time for him to give me paper. He got the message and left to bother someone else eating, but not before he gave me this "well I don't like you because you don't conform" look. Go to hell! I'm not going to conform because I want to be 'liked' by a select group of tools. To be honest I could give a shit about what people think of me and what my political views are. I'm not going to sell out just because it's cool or the thing to do, I'm going to stand behind what I believe in, because it's what I believe in. And if that upsets you that some people have different opinions to you, too bad.
At least I know who I am.

In summary: I hate USC hacks. And this could have got really out of hand (the rant and the confrontation).

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