Thursday, March 16, 2006

Your speech is slurred and I bet you might just swallow your tongue

So I downloaded the movie "Ultraviolet." I haven't watched it yet, but I heard it sucked. (And by downloaded, I mean, legally obtained a copy for awards purposes). However, it's done by the same director that made possibly the greatest movie ever, Equilibrium. Of course, the director of that masterpiece was Kurt Wimmer. He's made some pretty decent movies in the past, like The Wolves and The Thomas Crown Affair. I'm sure a few people have seen those. They're not instantly memorable - but nobody forgets Equilibrium after seeing it.

I mean, you could accidentally click this button and accidentally get the movie and watch it yourself. Honestly, given how awesome Equilbrium was, it's worth watching.

I'm sure this'll all bite me in the ass after I watch it. But every know and then, we need to turn our brains off and watch something mindless and fun, right? And being a university student, I get the priveledge of ALWAYS being able to turn my brain off.

-Mark, telling you to watch Equilibrium, and warning you about Ultraviolet.

(Last song was Editors - Bullets)


that girl said...

Ultra Violet-Aeon Flux...hmmm.

Haurez said...

Whatever happened to your rants about society in general?

Mark said...

Although the girl makes me muchos happos, my rants on society have been sparce right now because I've been binge watching movies, and I've covered a lot of society ills already, so I don't want to repeat them.

I'll get to them soon - after all, pop culture is just waay to easy to insult.

that girl said...

feel free to check out my little rant on hollywood and religion. comment if u like..

that girl said...

i concur about jaread and jamie foxx Laurie. Also why does he need x's on his last name. It makes him sound like a porn star. he is good looking though...

Mark said...

I saw Jarhead months ago, and it's more than likely I've seen most of the DVDs you'll rent. So feel free to spoil things.

Jarhead was awesome on a story level, and cinematography-wise (my breatheren). The colours were perfect, especially the (SPOILER) scene with the bombed highway with all the corpses. That was unbelievable.

Jamie Foxx is very overrated. Just like you said Laurie - Living Colour - good. Recent hype - meh. He hasn't been in any impact roles, exactly, just kind of "oh hey it's Jamie Foxx and he's a decent actor". Pass. Although he is a dreamboat.

What's the deal with all black actors releasing CDs too? Will Smith, Jamie Foxx... and Rappers releasing (shitty) movies? 8 Mile, Get Rich or Die Trying, Hustle and Flow, etc etc. Bah. Stick to your mediums, jerks.