Thursday, December 15, 2005

Avoison. (It's a word, look it up!)

Okay, I've tried to avoid this for awhile, but it seems that I just kept getting slapped in the face with it.

Christmas. "Merry Christmas", "Happy Holidays", "Fuck you and your celebration", honestly people, it doesn't mean shit how you call it. It's the same damn thing. Why are people so upset that a shitload of people that are trying so hard "not to offend non-Christmas celebrating people" by saying Merry Christmas? I've read articles about schools banning the word Christmas in classes - why? Seriously, I'm an agnostic that doesn't "celebrate" Christmas but I still take the day off and whore gifts at people, I just don't call it Christmas. I made it my own day (affectionately called "Holiday Day" to myself).

But honestly, has the governments around the world ran out of important things to complain about? So people don't celebrate Christmas - who gives a fuck? Why is the government in USA (and Canada, to a lesser extent) making so sure they don't offend anyone, and then all these batshit insane people start complaining about being oppressed?

Here's the solution to this problem, in a way that NOBODY can complain (even though they will): Oppress every single religion-specific holiday name in the history of time. Anyone that disagrees is shot. Either that, or SHUT THE FUCK UP and live with it. I mean, how the hell did I grow up being non-religious and having to hear "Merry Christmas" every year? Here's how: I just did, and I didn't give a shit.

Now obviously I'm a pretty special case, being that I really don't give a fuck about much of anything - but it just pisses me off when people bitch about the changing world. It's gonna change, jackass. That doesn't give you an open ticket to endlessly complain about how you're being left behind. It's not exactly like one person is on some random crusade to stop people from saying Merry Christmas.

It's highly unlikely that anyone non-religious that sees the sign "Merry Christmas" in a store window will get offended. And if they do, and complain, then DON'T SHOP THERE. It's not like the general public has the conviction to stand by their boycotts. The only thing I've ever boycotted and stuck to it was McDonalds food and drinks. I've still ate the ice cream, cause y'know.. that's ice cream. And I do that like once a year.

Anyway, I digress. The point is that I'm tired of hearing BOTH sides of the Christmas argument. Say "Merry Christmas" if you want to; don't if you don't. There's way bigger injustices going on in the world ("like why are these politicans in office?", and "shit, Holiday Day is in 10 days and I haven't started shopping.")



Haurez said...

Leave it for Christmas eve... makes the shopping that much more intense. If all else fails, thats why they invented the 7/11 (which is not really a problem if you've got ingenuity).

Haurez said...

Genius idea!

Mark said...

That'd be the BEST GIFT EVER. I mean if you like it, you drink it, and then you're happy/they're happy cause it's delectable. If you DON'T like it, it's a handy thing to throw at the person... and it'd be pretty satisfying to see all that syrup all over them - if they ruined your Holiday Day, you can ruin theirs!

Anonymous said...