Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's and Consumerism

So here it is, another Valentine's Day. As my girlfriend pointed out, this is a Saint's holiday, turned "buy stuff or people will get mad" day. I'd be outraged, but this really isn't original - lots of people hate Valentine's Day, and not all girls are materialistic... so this doesn't apply to everyone. But don't kid yourself into THINKING you're one of those "I don't care about VD" people, cause if you don't get anything and you get mad in the slightest - you're one of those people.

People have ranted on other blogs and throughout history about why you don't need just one day to express your love/affection for a person, and they're right - but my real issue here is the complete and utter commercialism that not just this holiday gets, but ALL get. I absolutely despise commercialism - I understand it's point, but it's absolutely evil in every form. It's not about the person, it's about making money. VD is just an example of the spendology our people have got into - flowers and chocolate and jewlery are the classics, the mindless gifts people give when they don't really know anything about the person they're with (unless that person gave them specifics). But society has been bred into this stupid ideology that you deserve gifts just because you're in a relationship or you have friends. I sent out my typical mass Valentine's Day email, which is thoughtless and sadistic, but it's also funny. I'm not going to buy gifts just because some stupid day tells me too... I can care about people without whoring gifts at them.

But no! It's not about what you get, it's about how MUCH of it you get. The profit-hungry corporations would rather just get as much money off you as possible, they'd love to see this turn into another Christmas.. hell, do you really think they'd give a shit about religion if it meant they could make more money?

Holidays aren't supposed to be materialistic - I mean, if people fall in love and love doesn't cost a thing, then why the hell does Valentine's Day ruin so many relationships?

I'll tell you: Cause deep down, 90% of the population is consumer whores. It's not about love, it's about getting shit for doing something that's supposed to make you happy ANYWAY!!!




Haurez said...

awww, how sweet....

Anonymous said...

So Mark, how much longer are you going to keep up the pretence of being a film student? Come, take your rightful place at the throne of MIT and laugh at the mindless commodity fetishism of those poor, misguided hu-mans. It is your destiny.

Mark said...

I will reject my unemployed MIT grad destiny for as long as possible, and continue to chase the ever-dimming light that is a future in the film industry...

Meanwhile. VD. Celebrate it how you want, but don't make it about the presents. Make it about the person you care about.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the e-mail!!!