Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Another week, another update

Sorry for the disappearance - well, not really, but I've just been doin' stuff recently - like making videos, working, all the usual mundane crap people do to pass the time, etc etc etc. But luckily something happened recently that I can rant about!

What's the deal with people that just don't get humour? "Oh, I'm offended by everything, waah waah, I'm a big douche." We all know these people - the kinds that while everyone is laughing their asses off to something funny, they're sitting there, being pretentious. Look, I'm not saying everything is funny - some people can't tell jokes worth shit. But when something is genuinily funny, nobody gives a shit if you laugh at it. "Well it supports the negative stereotypes of race, gender, ideas, blah blah blah etc."
Funny thing is, that it's people that are too busy NOT laughing about things that are the ones nobody wants to hang around. When people become way too wrapped up in a certain idea, to the point that they can't handle criticism (humourous criticism, no less), then.. well no WONDER the world is so divided. I just can't stand people that can't laugh at themselves or their own beliefs. There's ALWAYS something funny in something. Hell, I'm of English descent, and I can't stop bashing the English. They're hilarious! And not in a "oh that was a good joke, Rupert" way either. They're hilarious because of the things they do that they're not trying to be funny about.

Seriously, everything's funny when it's taken seriously. Just look at someone so involved in what they're doing (as long as it's not mundane, like writing a test.. that's not funny... well it kind of is, watching people panic and seeing them flounder) but when someone's giving a speech or going on a rant about something they believe strongly in - like, for example, someone ranting about how Communism is 'evil'. It's hilarious to watch those people go, because it's apparent to anyone with a brain how idiot and misinformed these people are.

Go back in time and watch the whole Communist insanity scare of the 50's and 60's. Those people running around like idiots, witch hunting for communists, and hiding under desks (which supposedly plywood sustains a 6 megaton atomic explosion.. thank god the 50's schools had it right!)... hilarious.

But in general people, stop taking yourselves so damn seriously.

Now I'm off to listen to Bill O'Reily and agree with everything he says.


1 comment:

Mark said...

There's something about him that when he opens his mouth, I'm afraid a ton of locusts will swarm out and invade Iran.