Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Trans-fat and you, the nice marketing scam

Time for me to revert to my apparent commie-ways and yell at Capitalism and it's heartlessness... again. Man, pretty soon I'm going to need some uplifting material, cause I'm sure people want some joy out of this blog... no wait, fuck that.

Anyway, this has likely been mentioned before as I've known this for at least two years, but I'm sure not a lot of people get it. Have you ever seen those stupid little "messages" on food products that say "0 trans-fat!" like it's some kind of technical revolution in eating? You're likely going to see it on potato chips and snack food, although it's on rice and all those "regular" foods too. Here's a hint for all you slef-sustaining shoppers out there: It's a total sham. 100% of those little quirps are 0% trans-fat because the products they're being advertised on can't have it.

Tran-fat only occurs in natural, living things, and that doesn't include vegetables. A biological process, and anything that thinks and does things consciously is the ONLY place trans-fat comes from. That means meat, and anything meat is in.

0 trans-fat is just a sham to make you THINK you're not getting any fat, because the truth is the majority of people don't know what the hell trans-fat means, and they see "0" with "fat" and they think that = more healthy. If you've ever bought something cause it said "0 trans-fat", you've bought into that scam. You never see Beef with "low trans-fat!" cause low isn't 0, and people like thinking they're healthy as they actually kill themselves with retarded food.

I mean, I'm not much better, living off basically sidekicks, bread, and cheese, but I don't pay attention to that 0 trans-fat scam. It's just a way to make people feel better about themselves, and by extension, equating that feeling with the product their staring at. "I only eat 0% trans-fat chips." Well, so do the rest of us, douche.

There's a ton of other marketing scams out there, that prey on the rampant gullibility of stupid people. If we pretend we know stuff, it doesn't matter if we're wrong.. as long as it feels as if we're right, no?

No. You're stupid. Get edumacated before you go into society. Cause when you're 35 and your waist is twice the size it was five years ago, and you're wondering why, now you know.

Blame 0% trans-fat.

Learning is fun.



Haurez said...

Whats the deal in Canada, assuming we make life difficult for ourselves? And didn't you blog about this issue a long time ago?

Mark said...

Yeah, I did rant about it about a year ago, but that was more general: