Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Religion can eat it too.

This rant is WAY long overdue. In fact, I'm surprised I didn't harp on religion in my first rant, and in every single rant since.

Religion WAS necessary at a point in history - ancient, fucking, uncivilized history. Before there were societies like we established in the industrial revolution, religion was used as a form of governing. This was fine, even though religious leaders seldom didn't abuse their power, what with trying to convert societies far more adapt at survival then their own. But harping god was standard, and without the kind of INTELLIGENT civilization (and I say this with reluctance) that we have today, religion was free to rule as god and nobody knew better to question it. Of course, it was used to justify idiotic things, like wars, murder, rape, etc. Let the oppression bell ring!

Anyway, since we evolved and started learning how contrived and holed religion's standpoint is, we've seen an inception of disbelievers. And rightfully so. Religion has mainly acted now as an annoying censor, getting in the way of actual development by trying to enforce two fucking thousand year old principles on a modern society. Back in the 30s and before the de-moralization of the 70s which has been taken even more extreme now (and HUZZAH), the bulk of people were still fundamentally religious, and religion still had a thumping way of controlling things - basically it was "complain enough and have veil threats, and people will listen". For the most part, I'm referring to religion's innate hatred of basically every new technology ever invented since the industrial revolution.

But since civilization started more sophisticated government (see: Democracy that's actually democracy, not "USA fake democracy"), with policing and basically a law structure to administer justice and more clearly define what's acceptable and what's not (although some do have room for negioation, there's the principles that are very common), the need for censorship has virtually anulled itself. For the most part, censorship has been enforced by bible thumping crazies that hate to see something they don't approve of, so they take the standpoint "instead of NOT watching it ourselves, let's ruin it for everyone by trying to force it off mainstream!" This kind of insane oppression utterly destroys the hope of technological advancement, originality, creative thought, and most importantly, individualism. When you're trying to create something for entertainment purposes, having to deal endlessly with a moral code that you don't necessarily agree with and with the chance of some bible thumping lunatic to tell you that's "blasphemic" or "unmoral" or some other shit, basically restrains you from creating what could be a masterpiece - instead, you are forced to churn out the same repeated garbage to appease a minority of collared shirt Sundaymen.

With self-censorship in place and economic reality basically making the two work seamlessly, the need for religious censorship has basically come defunct. All religion can come up with is tired conventions that are 2000 years old and completely a step backwards in today's society. With economics controlling the world, religion is defunct in controlling society. So take the hint and fuck off - you're ruining it for people with actual talent and vision.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pi, you are my hero. And I personally believe that you're right about everything here except one thing;
Not the entirety of society is smart enough to set their own boundaries -- that's why religion hasn't become extinct. All of your points, however, are why religion is changing. Christianity doesn't own the world any more, and soon, no one will bother to listen to it.

Unfortunately, the population of the world at large is scared, and they need to believe that they're not the ones to blame. Of course it's hampering them; that's what politicians want. So I say, you need to spread that rant a hell of a lot farther than your blog, bud.

Power to you.

(By the way, I'm not stalking you. I found you through Elysium)