Thursday, October 27, 2005

The angriest rant of all

That's it people. I'm fucking tired of people dumping their problems on me over and over, the same problems, over and over, and NEVER FUCKING SOLVING IT. If these problems you're all having are so life-shatteringly devistating, make a fucking choice to either:

1: Do something about the fucking thing yourself; make a fucking choice for once
2: Live with it the way it is and shut the hell up.

Cause I'm so friggin uncaring towards everyone's problems now because no matter what advice they ask for from me, it's never carried through. If it was bad advice tell me, but if I'm making a point, then goddamn do it instead of padding your ego until you lose the balls to fucking change your life. Next time I have to hear the same shit come out of all your mouths, I'm going to make it so obvious that I don't give a shit you'll all hopefully get the point and shut up. You've had like 9000 chances to change your lives people - and if you're too chickenshit to make a decision by yourself then that's your goddamn problem. But life's way too fucking short to life in a shitty situation and never do dick about it. If you're not going to make a decision, or even make an effort to make a decision, shut the fuck up and live with your non-decision. Stop. Fucking. Complaining. To. Me. And. Do. Something.

Jesus titty-fucking christ people.



Mark said...

It becomes especially hard to not care after you know some things though. That's what makes distancing oneself harder.

I've been on the brink many times with these people, but I can never find it in myself to just walk away.

Mark said...

My "situation" is probably pretty common, I don't have some delusion that this doesn't happen to anyone else. It's just hard to push away friends when it's not even a mutual, or concrete individualistic agreement.

But when the relationship begins to feel very one-way, I begin to wonder why I'm still putting so much effort and thought into it.