Saturday, May 07, 2005


Now this is kind of off topic from my usual rants, but do you ever get in a ridiculously foul mood where you hate everything and are on the brink of snapping and killing everyone you know in a violent bloodlust when something totally random just catches you off guard?

It happened to me this morning. I couldn't sleep, so I ended up getting 3 hours all night.. well I was taking a vitamin in the morning, opened the medicine cabinet, and found.... amongst the clutter, an empty Dr. Pepper can. Not at the front, either.. it was mixed in the middle. Apparently in my sleep deprivated state sometime last night I must have drank one, and put it in there for some reason.. but I don't remember doing it or why it was there.

Needless to say, it really threw me off and was quite odd.

-Mark, a bit perplexed

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