Saturday, May 21, 2005

Do You Realize?

Y'know what really pisses me off? People with douchebag MSN names. I can understand people bitching about something that happened in their life (and putting like "person X is a douchetard") or being frustrated at something and going off in caps-locked swearing fests... I'm not talking about that, those are great. I'm also not talking about how people will put amusing quotes or just their name, those are sensical and sometimes comical.

I'm talking about the douches that put shit like "I love my idiotic boyfriend/girlfriend/famous person/band/barbeque grill/etc". Nobody gives a shit who you love or why, don't clutter up my precious MSN viewage with crap I don't care about. Obviously the world should bow down to my every demands anyway, so stop this plague of caring and affection for inaminate objects already.

Moving along. I also hate when people put song lyrics in their name - jebus, I've done it one or two times but at least my lyrics made absolutely no sense. Course, I even hated my own lack of originality when I did it. But seriously. I don't want to read some shit that NOBODY understands... And if I'm being contradictory, it's because you're too stupid to see my minute difference.

Bottom line: When you use MSN, don't give me something heartwarming unless I actually care about you (and I care about so few people), don't give me song lyrics because I'll block you, and HAVE AN INTERESTING OR AMUSING NAME!!!



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