Monday, May 09, 2005

Myspace = electronic garbage

So I'm back with yet another rant from hell. This time, I will break down the "phenom" that is MSN Myspace.

What the hell is up with everyone "wanting" or "needing" to get a "myspace" so they can tell all their idiot friends about their crappy lives and their mundane, megar, useless daily activities ("well today I got up and had a piece of toast"... so what?). Even if they say anything mildly interesting, don't show me pictures of you doing nothing. I'll get back to this in a moment.

However, I'd probably hate Myspace less if it wasn't affiliated with Microsoft. MSN/Microsoft has a knack for turning everything they create into a buggy POS, and failing that, something destructively monopolizing or child-killingly evil. Now yes this is hypocritical of me since I use Windows ME, possibly the worst system Microsoft has ever created, but I've learned it's throws and with the helpful patches from people who also hate but won't update, and some technical lerndening (I spelt that wrong on purpose), I've actually got this bitch running smoothly. Anyway, Microsoft's "let's ID with the teens and youthful money-irresponsible idiots" Myspace is just yet another attempt to create a monopoly, Hey, I don't have to explain my unfounded hatred and irrational disgust with MSN. It's bad enough I use their Messenger because it's the "best" instant messaging program, but once again, I patched the hell out of it to destroy any traces of Microsoft "helpfulness" (the search bar, ads, logos, stupid winks and nudges... GONE).

Anyways, in short: Myspace sucks, don't be a fanboy/fangirl and waste my ocular superiority by having me read your crap.


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