Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Open Book is for Ass-packers

Although many people like open book exams, I think they're a crock of shit. And here's why:

With open book exams (University sense, not HS) any assbag can walk in and refer shit from the course regardless of whether they showed up to class. Open book allows people to not actually know jackshit from the course and still have a chance to pass.

Meanwhile, the people that actually show up and do the readings and all that shit are basically even. Sure, they'll probably do better because they're not douchebags like book-fucktards, but the fact that they could potentially get a similiar mark to the morons who didn't show piss me off.

Finally, and this is the clincher: The profs get all shitfucked about referring shit from the book. If you know the shit, you don't need exact text example FOR AN EXAM WITH QUESTIONS YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW BEFOREHAND!!!!



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