Monday, April 11, 2005

Being different = Not being noticed

Back to my anger inspired rant. Looks like I'm going to indulge in slamming fads.

They're pretty much everywhere, and where it's most obvious is in the highschool/college asspackers. Sure 14-17 year olds do that whole "emo" bullshit, but that can be written off because they're fucking idiots at that age. It takes someone to beat them over the head with a rusty propane tank before they realize everything they think and feel is:

1: Wrong
2: Irrelevant
3: Not worth talking about
4: Not something only they have felt

But they're stupid, so that's a waste of time to tell them. No, what I'm really getting at here is the fad-boys and girls that are around the 18-24 bracket. We all know them.. wearing the bullshit clothes, those stupid Ugg boots, and talk like a hack. Wearing your hat sideways doesn't make you cool or a rebel. You look like a fucktard with mental problems.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all about the badassery, but let's face it: Actively dressing like you're trying to impress a bunch of people who are equally as stupid as you isn't going to do it. Talking about stupid shit like what some fuckhead did won't do it either.

IF you want to be independant, be your goddamn self. Don't give a shit what people think about you or if you fit into any fucking "clique" or "bracket". Fuck them, they're stupid. Just do your thing, wear what you want. And finally, and this is important, realize these things:

1: Don't do it to get noticed
2: You're not independent; you are a faceless plug society doesn't need.
3: No one will care if you die.
4: No one should care if you die.
5: Consider your death population control. You're helping the world!

Go in peace, assheads.


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