Thursday, April 06, 2006

If I had one drop of common sense, I'd have already left

Happy 100th blogging, me. I swear to Jebus or whatever, I'm ready to snap... so this will be another one of my rants that make no sense.

My work fucked up the schedule again, so I worked a double shift (remember the last time I did that? Yeah, I crashed my Jeep.). I finally bitched enough so they fixed it, and I got back at them by stealing about four dinners worth of food. Fuck you guys, I'm taking everything I can get away with.. hell, the security guard even taped the damn plates together so the food wouldn't fall out! HA! Fuck you work. You pay me 10 bucks an hour and I stole about 100 bucks of food.

Seriously, have crack-addicts just given up on trying to be inconspicuous? When I got off the bus today there's just some guy in the corner of the bus stop snorting some coke off a five dollar bill. I mean I've seen a lot downtown, like the gay stakeboarders today (NO male skateboarder wears a girl's toque and looks like he's about to make out with his buddy on the bus.. I thought I was wrong but after some very awkward staring at him... do you stare 6 inches from your friend's face at his lips?) Oh yeah, and he was wearing tight bell bottom pants. That was just weird. MOVING ON!

I've seen a shit-ton of gay people around that stop, it's pretty normal now.. I've also seen some gender-inspecific people, and the classic homeless wanderers that I'm waiting for one of them to try and mug me.

A few days ago I saw a different drug deal go down.. actually I walked past it. There's something about this neighbourhood, potheads, and fences. It's not like they're hiding, they're just leaning against a fence in plain view making drug deals at 3PM by an elementary school. Classy gents. Too bad the 15 year old was dealing to a 35 year old. That was also weird.

AND SCHOOL.. I'm STILL not learning anything, just getting more pissed off. I'm about three days from snapping and I've got four to go. And a RESEARCH essay to finish off the term? WTF, I don't want to actually try anymore.. That's just cruel.

And no summer job, not that I'm looking very hard. Someone give me a third job! I knew I just should have ran off to BC this summer with no intention of ever returning...

Oh.. and I'm bored with everything. If only I wasn't so lazy.


(Last song was The Dresden Dolls - Dirty Business)

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