Wednesday, March 16, 2005

0 + "Fat" + Any Product = Instant Healthy Food

Okay, I'm back, and I've got a new trick, Magical Mark is slick, ten times as slick as the last time you read him.

Anywho, the genius of aside, I'm here to yell the crap out of something new: Labels on food.

Now while you may think I'm just talking out my ass (which I frequently do), this time I actually have knowledge of the subject at hand. While stuffing my face with Tostitos nachos, I noticed on the label it said "0 trans-fat", boasting it as if it was some sort of newfangled formula of health awareness they were trying to whore to self-health-conscious consumers.

Here's a newsflash: I don't eat Tostitos because I'm trying to be healthy, I eat them cause they taste good, and damn the side-effects. If someone was serious about eating healthy, they wouldn't even walk down the chip isle, since there's nothing healthy there... ever. And the fact that I buy Tostitos all the time and this is the first time I've ever noticed the label really points out the fact that I'm not actively looking for 0 trans-fat foods.

Moving away from that, I'd just like to point out that Nachos WOULDN'T have Trans-fat, since trans-fat only comes from ANIMALS (Humans included). Vegetables cannot have trans-fat, so obviously there wouldn't be any in Nachos. It's just some plug-ass marketing tool heartless corporations are taking advantage of during this "health craze" (although it's a sham, but that's another rant), where if people see the word "fat" and "0" beside it, they'll instantly assume it's good. How many people even KNEW what trans-fat was before I said it was only in animals? That's what I thought.

It just pisses me off when corporations throw any old label that makes them appear health conscious when in reality they're just twisting the words around. It's like saying that a carrot is good for you because it doesn't have mad-cow disease. Well no shit!


1 comment:

Haurez said...

Dude, every corp twists words around to tell their product. Its called marketing. Tostitos is feeding off the fact that everyone is scared of trans fat so stick a trans-fat free lable on a bag and people come flocking. But yes, totally agreed, a health concious person wouldn't dare walk down the chip aisle. It's called "how much crap can I still eat while on a healthy diet?" Someone told me once (cant remember if it was you, probably not) that while in line at A&P, a really big guy had a bunch of junk food, with some slimfast. If you ask me, he's going nowhere.