Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Underage drinking is not a problem

Underaged drinking is not a problem, people. If a minor or an 18 year old wants to get into clubs/bars/or just get booze, chances are they'll find a way. Fake IDs are apparently not hard to find, especially if you have an older sibling of the same gender, but I don't understand why people get so upset about this.

Yeah, some 16 year old may be trashed - yes, they don't know their own limits, and will probably do something stupid - but hell, we've ALL gone through that stage as kids. What the real concern is keeping your douchebag underagers from drinking and DRIVING. That's a far more serious problem. A bunch of minors drinking at some party in a basement or backyard is nothing to be pissed about, especially since usually they're just having a good time and that's that - nobody's endangered unless someone drinks too much (fuck em, lowering the population anyway). But if they get behind a wheel intoxicated they endanger far more people. Parents, if you want to control your dumbass kid, let the idiot drink, just drop them off at the party and pick them up when you damn feel like it. Whenever I'm out to get trashed, I take my bicycle or a cab. It's simple.

So next time your kid is going out and you think they're getting hammed, just fucking tell them you don't care, as long as they don't drive. Shit, there's more important things in the world to worry about.


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