Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Dear Emo Girl: Shut up.

I stumbled upon this crime of the internet today.

Since when did people feel webspace was for cluttering up with their utterly pointless, pointless lives? This is an especially bad case, where she literally tells everyone everything she damn well did. Including 11 dollars.

I mean, not only was I infatuated with how terrible it was, I was astonished someone could actually lead a life so uninteresting and still find time to bore the rest of the people that read it. Literally, some of the things written are so ridiculously uninteresting, it's hard to properly channel my rant here.. Examples:

"At least I had a good cry session twice yesterday. Was sick of people yelling. We didn't do anything at Angela and Eric's wedding so I was free to roam. Went outside and stayed away from everyone. Go anti-socialness."

First period- was boring, we did presentations for our POW's. I think my group passed. Who knows? Found out Starr and I have a lot in common and that Chaz eats icky Power Bars.
Second period- still did nothing."

"Ack! School is sooooo stressful. I just wanted to choke a biotch. And I swear, if one more person asks if I'm going to go out with David again or if I like Julian there will be hell to pay! Do these people not understand that I have a boyfriend, whom I'm very in love with? Hmm? Do they? Apparently not. Stupid people!!"

I'll spare you all the rest of the crap, cause anyone telling people each period of their 10TH GRADE CLASSES clearly needs a life and actual friends.

I continue to read that crap because I want to laugh when her and her douchebag boyfriend split up. Yeah, that's some real "love" you had there. Of course, chances are she'll die of longwindedness before that happens.

Keeping you educated. Luckily, I've left her some handy tips on how to improve what is otherwise an internet black hole of pointlessness.



Anonymous said...

Because we're here to help, these are some of the insightful comments we've made in the past few minutes, both to her blog and her *ahem* BF-4-EVAR's.

As Chuck Palahniuk once wrote, "You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everyone else...You have to consider the possibility that god does not like you."

Mark said...

Ah, it seems "Fading Glitter" protected her entries - I guess she didn't like hearing how pointless her life is. Regardless, at least that means she took SOME of my advice, and removed her pointless entries from the public's eye.

Your welcome, public. Luckily, her "BF 4 EVA" isn't as bright.

Haurez said...

Why don't you share with us what your comments are if she's protecting them?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I guess she followed our advice:

"Journal has been deleted. If you are fading_glitter, you have a period of 30 days to decide to undelete your journal."

Mark said...

Seems we're effecient at taking down internet crap. Time to move on to the next one!

Haurez said...

Did either of you happen to hack into live journal and put that up? It seems like something you would do in disgust of the journal, just to piss her off. That or she really did delete and picked a new address.

Anonymous said...

Hehe, no Peter, I'm not about to waste time trying to hack someone's livejournal clone just for shits and giggles. But I'm not above posting obnoxious comments in an effort to undermine her sense of self-importance.

Incidentally, she's gone and started a new one:

She's made it Friends Only, though. This effectively removes it from the public sphere, which is all we wanted in the first place. Mission accomplished.

Haurez said...

Good job. I must admit I love what she put for her mood: Embarassed. The only contradiction in her journal is that is says: "The only rule is: don't be stupid."