Saturday, January 29, 2005

I'll be in the angry dome...

Ah, finally (what the hell's with this font???) - - - that's better. Ah, finally a place to put down my rants about whatever enrages me at the time. And trust me, that's not hard to do. This'll range from politics to University to papers to well.. anything. We'll see as/if it grows if I get an "Angry Theme". Anywho, moving along - I'll probably mix some comedy and non-sensical sentence structure (since I write almost in the stream of consciousness). If you don't like it, go to hell and make me a burrito.

Let's start with a quick "blog" if you will. I never actually understood these things until I started MIT classes, or when I started to watch the Daily Show. Sadly, the inevitable has happened: I became interested in politics and wondered about what the hell a 'web' 'log' was. Leave it to my generation to take out two letters and form a trendy term: 'blog'. Seriously, whatever happened to the days when people spelled things out? I can understand spleling mistkes, but when I'm randomly talking to someone and the conversation goes down like this, I get pissed. (M= me, T=Them)
T: Hey
M: Hey
T: wassup?
M: nothing much, yourself?
T: nm
T: u?
M: I just told you.
T: wut
M: Forget it.
T: forget wut
M has signed off.

First, DON'T start a conversation with me if you have nothing to say. Trust me, my life's details are far too boring to elaborate on with some random 16 year old that thinks I'm "hot" based on a heavily pixelated streaming video of me in real time - here's a clue for you: I don't care what you think of me, and I'm not going to show you my penis, nor do I care that if I did you'd 'show me ur tits', as so many horny 14 year olds say. You're cool now, son. Nothing says lasting relationship and commitment like showing your breasts to some idiot on the other side of the country with bad grammar skills. Next time fellas, keep it in your pants and make with the shut up. Some of us actually have important things to say or actual conversations to engage in.

Out for now. Mark.


Anonymous said...

You, sir, are a douchebag of liberty. I find your inane rantings annoying and/or offensive to my person. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go watch Fox News...

"You go through life, you try to be nice to people, you struggle to resist the urge to punch 'em in the face, and for what? So some pimply little puke can treat you like dirt because you're not on the team. Well, I'm better than dirt. Well, most kinds of dirt. I mean not that fancy store bought dirt. That stuffs loaded with nutrients. I can't compete with that stuff."


Mark said...

Yeah, I "love" Ann Coulter/Tucker Carlson/and the rest of those nobs. Imagine if those idiots mated and had a child.. I'm pretty sure it'd be the demon incarnate. "Ann Carlson". Or "Tucker Carlson Jr". No matter how you say it, it just forces vomit to the tongue.

And Moe, I live by your wisdom.

Haurez said...

Good call

Mark said...

I have ideas about who you are, but I can't be certain. I'm assuming you're either "EvilMufasa" or my girlfriend (which I doubt). Moving along, you can only see my penis if you have the special "card" I hand out once a year.

Anonymous said...

card? ..I was not aware of the fact that I needed a card..I must obtain one. Can I have one please? I'll wear the red and purple thing to get one if I have to...
-that which means beloved