So I haven't blogged in a bit.. y'know, it's just been off the hook with the booze, sex, and lying about booze and sex that I've been doing. No really, I haven't done shit.
Except observe and judge people.
And I saw a few days ago, a triumph of a trainwreck. Riding the bus home from work, some too-fat-to-fuck chick gets on - the bus is naturally too crowded for her to sit her fatass down, but what do I see on her forearms? If you guessed a tattoo, you're an idiot.
Friggin razor cuts. The bitch was a cutter.
It's obviously not one of those "I'm going to commit suicide things", cause even if you suck at slitting your wrists, slitting your wrists is a pretty foolproof way to end it all... course, she had them on her forearms.
This bullshit was for attention. I recall not too long ago, finding all about this fucking cliche of douchebaggery on the internet of people cutting themselves and showing it to other douches on myspace, LJ, etc (any kind of retarded "look at how pointless my life is!" site) and wearing this declaration of low IQ as some kind of badge of honour. What the fuck? What the fuck is up with stupid, stupid people thinking that the only way they'll be accepted is to maim themselves? If you want attention, rob a variety store and get arrested - don't fucking cut yourself, you morons. It's not cool to show other idiots that you like suicide, especially since you're too much of a bitch to actually go through with it.
Honestly... how did slitting your forearms EVER become popular?
Fucking people.
I wouldn't get too involved in that one, dude. I think you need something to do on the bus if you're contemplating people's strange physical qualities for which you've got no clue why they're there. Perhaps shes into shaving her arms? Just a thought.
Yes. Shaving her arms by running the razorblade sideways in the same spot over and over again.
And this affects your daily living how?....
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