Sunday, February 26, 2006

More proof the world is retarded

Not like you needed more proof anyway, but

Well, that blogger (whoever he is) makes a good point, but let's be rational here (because I'm known for that...). Well no shit burger king is going to redesign the logo, we're talking about the people that firebombed Danish embassies because of a cartoon - so apparently coincidence = insulting them.

Disclaimer: Obviously, not all Muslims are extremists - in fact, probably very very few are. But hey, just like those people ruined it for the rest of them, I'm sure the Middle East considers all Westerners terrorists by the same right. Hooray miseducation and stereotypes!

Moving on. It's great to know that suddenly we have to be careful of doing absolutely anything because it might offend someone and that'll get us killed by a pile of batshit insane people so caught up in something that they have absolutely NO proof of being real or factual in any way.

I've said it once (ever), and I'll say it for the second time here: If God is so powerful, he certainly did a shit job making humans. Maybe he was drunk. I mean, the world in 6 days? All signs point to us being the "newest" creatures, so after all that other work, maybe he just got fucking wasted... or maybe he hated his job on the other parts of the "creation" and decided he'd rather laugh at us for the next couple hundred thousand years (not that we'll make it that far).

Good job, "God". Your creations suck.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Trans-fat and you, the nice marketing scam

Time for me to revert to my apparent commie-ways and yell at Capitalism and it's heartlessness... again. Man, pretty soon I'm going to need some uplifting material, cause I'm sure people want some joy out of this blog... no wait, fuck that.

Anyway, this has likely been mentioned before as I've known this for at least two years, but I'm sure not a lot of people get it. Have you ever seen those stupid little "messages" on food products that say "0 trans-fat!" like it's some kind of technical revolution in eating? You're likely going to see it on potato chips and snack food, although it's on rice and all those "regular" foods too. Here's a hint for all you slef-sustaining shoppers out there: It's a total sham. 100% of those little quirps are 0% trans-fat because the products they're being advertised on can't have it.

Tran-fat only occurs in natural, living things, and that doesn't include vegetables. A biological process, and anything that thinks and does things consciously is the ONLY place trans-fat comes from. That means meat, and anything meat is in.

0 trans-fat is just a sham to make you THINK you're not getting any fat, because the truth is the majority of people don't know what the hell trans-fat means, and they see "0" with "fat" and they think that = more healthy. If you've ever bought something cause it said "0 trans-fat", you've bought into that scam. You never see Beef with "low trans-fat!" cause low isn't 0, and people like thinking they're healthy as they actually kill themselves with retarded food.

I mean, I'm not much better, living off basically sidekicks, bread, and cheese, but I don't pay attention to that 0 trans-fat scam. It's just a way to make people feel better about themselves, and by extension, equating that feeling with the product their staring at. "I only eat 0% trans-fat chips." Well, so do the rest of us, douche.

There's a ton of other marketing scams out there, that prey on the rampant gullibility of stupid people. If we pretend we know stuff, it doesn't matter if we're wrong.. as long as it feels as if we're right, no?

No. You're stupid. Get edumacated before you go into society. Cause when you're 35 and your waist is twice the size it was five years ago, and you're wondering why, now you know.

Blame 0% trans-fat.

Learning is fun.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's and Consumerism

So here it is, another Valentine's Day. As my girlfriend pointed out, this is a Saint's holiday, turned "buy stuff or people will get mad" day. I'd be outraged, but this really isn't original - lots of people hate Valentine's Day, and not all girls are materialistic... so this doesn't apply to everyone. But don't kid yourself into THINKING you're one of those "I don't care about VD" people, cause if you don't get anything and you get mad in the slightest - you're one of those people.

People have ranted on other blogs and throughout history about why you don't need just one day to express your love/affection for a person, and they're right - but my real issue here is the complete and utter commercialism that not just this holiday gets, but ALL get. I absolutely despise commercialism - I understand it's point, but it's absolutely evil in every form. It's not about the person, it's about making money. VD is just an example of the spendology our people have got into - flowers and chocolate and jewlery are the classics, the mindless gifts people give when they don't really know anything about the person they're with (unless that person gave them specifics). But society has been bred into this stupid ideology that you deserve gifts just because you're in a relationship or you have friends. I sent out my typical mass Valentine's Day email, which is thoughtless and sadistic, but it's also funny. I'm not going to buy gifts just because some stupid day tells me too... I can care about people without whoring gifts at them.

But no! It's not about what you get, it's about how MUCH of it you get. The profit-hungry corporations would rather just get as much money off you as possible, they'd love to see this turn into another Christmas.. hell, do you really think they'd give a shit about religion if it meant they could make more money?

Holidays aren't supposed to be materialistic - I mean, if people fall in love and love doesn't cost a thing, then why the hell does Valentine's Day ruin so many relationships?

I'll tell you: Cause deep down, 90% of the population is consumer whores. It's not about love, it's about getting shit for doing something that's supposed to make you happy ANYWAY!!!



Canada wins

I'd explain the context of this argument and what drove me to say this, but it's just as explanatory by itself:

Me: wow, my puny Canadian mind didn't grasp that the first time
dontcareaboutmyid: yay
dontcareaboutmyid: I helped again
Me: I need to go to American schools
Me: and learn about Creationism more
Me: because unlike Evolution, facts, and being right, Creationism isn't a theory

I'm done.


Friday, February 10, 2006

MTV Hackery

Wow. Today on my break I had the unfortunate experience of having to watch about 10-15 minutes of MTV2's Teen Choice awards or some shit like that. And dear god, that's a bunch of minutes I'd like to spend killing myself. What the hell is wrong with that crap? Apparently we're saluting the shit-tastic bands of today's generation. . . during this brigade of eye disdainment, I had to watch the "MTV2 Teen Choice Music Video Award". . . JEEBUS, that was terrible. They showed six videos - three hip hop, which looked IDENTICAL (imagine your typical hip hop video formula - and bam.), and then three "rock" bands, only one of which can actually rock. The Bravery, My Chemical Romance, and Fall Out Boy. The music videos in general sucked, and out of the three, only the Bravery has any real talent, and they're nothing particularly special - but they're at least catchy. Anyway, moving on.

Fall Out Boy won, which was predictable as hell and also the worst possible choice, given the options. Apparently the young generation of mainstream music listeners vote for people based on how bad of a haircut they can get, and how "tortured" of a life they (never) had can be expressed through their bad makeup and hair dye jobs. And this is GUYS we're talking about.

But I can't believe how people are buying into this crap about wanting to have a shit-tastic life because that's "cool". Or the whole "I'm a pimp" mentality. Seriously, what REALLY pisses me off about this fad is that people are trying to act like they don't care if they're cool, because it makes their other little idiots think they are. "Ohh he dresses liek he doesn't care, that's cool!" No it's not, asshead! You're just the same as any other mindless hack out there that is obsessed with being cool. You know why I dress like I don't give a shit? Because I don't actually give a shit. I dress the way I do cause I like it, not because I think some other asshat will.

But back to music. It's time you people got schooled on real music bands, the kind of bands that don't just have their 5 year old brother take a pair of scissors to it. .. the kind that actually toil for a while before getting recognition, because they've proved they'll stick around for the haul.

The Decemberists
Okkervil River
Bloc Party (yeah they're new, but they're also not a bunch of hacks)
We Are Scientists (also new, but hilarious and not douches)
Arcade Fire
Akron Family (specifically, Raise the Sparks)
Youth Group

They're all indy rock, but fuck you if you like hip hop anyway - you have no musical tastes.


Thursday, February 09, 2006

Muslims need to read my blog

I've talked to a few people about this whole "cartoon-turned-burning-down-Europe" debacle, and it seems appropriate to rant about how stupid it is to be angry over some humourous depiction about your ideology, but........ I already did.

If more people listened to me, this shit wouldn't happen, dammit!

As usual, I was right.


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Another week, another update

Sorry for the disappearance - well, not really, but I've just been doin' stuff recently - like making videos, working, all the usual mundane crap people do to pass the time, etc etc etc. But luckily something happened recently that I can rant about!

What's the deal with people that just don't get humour? "Oh, I'm offended by everything, waah waah, I'm a big douche." We all know these people - the kinds that while everyone is laughing their asses off to something funny, they're sitting there, being pretentious. Look, I'm not saying everything is funny - some people can't tell jokes worth shit. But when something is genuinily funny, nobody gives a shit if you laugh at it. "Well it supports the negative stereotypes of race, gender, ideas, blah blah blah etc."
Funny thing is, that it's people that are too busy NOT laughing about things that are the ones nobody wants to hang around. When people become way too wrapped up in a certain idea, to the point that they can't handle criticism (humourous criticism, no less), then.. well no WONDER the world is so divided. I just can't stand people that can't laugh at themselves or their own beliefs. There's ALWAYS something funny in something. Hell, I'm of English descent, and I can't stop bashing the English. They're hilarious! And not in a "oh that was a good joke, Rupert" way either. They're hilarious because of the things they do that they're not trying to be funny about.

Seriously, everything's funny when it's taken seriously. Just look at someone so involved in what they're doing (as long as it's not mundane, like writing a test.. that's not funny... well it kind of is, watching people panic and seeing them flounder) but when someone's giving a speech or going on a rant about something they believe strongly in - like, for example, someone ranting about how Communism is 'evil'. It's hilarious to watch those people go, because it's apparent to anyone with a brain how idiot and misinformed these people are.

Go back in time and watch the whole Communist insanity scare of the 50's and 60's. Those people running around like idiots, witch hunting for communists, and hiding under desks (which supposedly plywood sustains a 6 megaton atomic explosion.. thank god the 50's schools had it right!)... hilarious.

But in general people, stop taking yourselves so damn seriously.

Now I'm off to listen to Bill O'Reily and agree with everything he says.
