Sunday, February 27, 2005

Ulser my ass

Apparently there's some random flu-like cold-like virus called the "California Flu" or something along those lines. And like a moron, I caught the damn thing.. 3 WEEKS AGO!! This bugger lasts a damn long time, let me tell you. And the feeling is like a yoyo. You wake up every morning feeling like you were mauled by Jesus after he ate a burrito that was far too hot (and subsequently took it out on you). Anyways, the mornings make you feel like garbage. You do eventually get better, but then during the day you go up and down. There's no way to control it, and the acid in your stomach really builds up. I was on these antiacid pills for two weeks, which helped to allievate the annoyance somewhat, but still it's a total pain in the ass. Although I have this long-ass illness that DOESN'T GO AWAY, I may also have an ulser because unlike this illness, I can't eat consistently without wanting to vomit. Either way, I have to go to the doctors about that.

Anyways, this rant was short but so incredibly annoying. Everything sucks (except alot of things), and this illness is not worth the effort. People, if you get this virus, just force yourself to do normal things. Cause hell, you better get used to 3 weeks of misery.


Monday, February 21, 2005

Philosophies. . .

Those who know me would know I'm pretty full of myself - which is fine, it's more of a joke than me being serious - I'm not a serious person. But I do have some basic Philosophies that I live by, and it's got me thinking. First of all - my obsessive philosophies:

1: Don't try too hard; it's not worth it. - Ever seen the movie "Office Space"? There's a quote by the main character that says "If I work my ass off and the company ships a few more boxes, I don't see a dime for it". . . he goes on to say "The problem is motivation." And finally, he says "I figure I should do just enough to not get fired." Well, that pretty much sums up this philosophy. Even if you try, you go out and kill yourself, does it mean anyone will care or take notice? Unlikely. More than likely, you'll just feel worse because nobody noticed. If working hard makes you feel good, go ahead and do it. But for me, I don't see the point in putting so much effort into my work when it'll only get me a few more percent, or in a job situation, when my job sucks anyways so who cares if I do it well? That being said, I do enough to still do well - which turns out, is very little.

2: Your ego is your best friend. - Talk yourself up all the time. Hell, why not? You may sound obnoxious but if you do it in a way that people know you're joking, it's just funny. Besides, for all you know, you ARE the most important, handsome, sauve person in the world. Might as well have the confidence to do it.

3: Failure is nothing. - So you fail something. It's not the end of the world (unless you fail at stopping the end of the world.) But it's just a sign that you either: Don't know what you're doing, or shouldn't be doing what you are. Just brush it off, and get back in there.

4: Give up on things that aren't worth your time. - This is pretty straightforward. Don't waste your life trying to accomplish nothing - how does that make you happy? Just do what makes you happy - and in the end, you'll accomplish something. Just don't kill people.

So these are pretty pathetic, but easy to follow. But a close friend told me I'm too attached to them - which is entirely true, and got me thinking. I suppose I don't need them, or at least not 2-4, but it is hard to live without any philosophy. It's not that I'm TOTALLY lazy in life - it's just that I don't see/have the motivation to persue the end. At least not in a job sense. On a personal sense, there's things I will put effort into - because it's actually worth doing something, but I know that when I graduate, I'm going to have a degree with no practical experience - so I'll know about my field, but not how to do it. Hell, the type of job I'm going into I could actually have just walked out of highschool and lucked my way into. Regardless, this is not about my (woeful) career. What it is about is that following my idiotic and short-sighted philosophies make me happy. They're not air-tight, and I consider myself to actually be a compassionate person - just with a sarcastic twist. Is it wrong that I laugh off almost everything in my life? Not really. But it's not exactly a defence mechanism either - it's just who I am.

There's things I want in the world, don't get me wrong. But I'm not going to sell out to get them. I just wish I could be myself a little more often, and not be so subconscious about what I say. Meh.

In summary: Philosophies - not needed, but convienent to follow loosely. And I guess I have been clinging tightly to my own stupidity recently (I blame hell week X2 - that nearly killed me.). So really, I guess this isn't a rant per sey; more of a confession of my own inner conflict. Do I try and become "all that I can be", but not happy, or do I go with the flow and just live? I almost wish I didn't have any ambitions in life. But I do, and they'll be there until I die.


Saturday, February 19, 2005


So after a hellish two weeks (that ended on a good note, for once - score for wandering around downtown and watching some random Chinese movie), slack week is finally upon me. I'm going to stick with my "1 shot per day minimum", and do my best to accomplish: nothing. For all those highschool punks and people who haven't had their slack week already, I laugh derisively at you.

Anywho, I've been thinking. About life and stuff (which brings me to the Clone High quote: If by life you mean sex, and by thinking you mean having!), but this is my Canadian-biased rant about Democrats in America. Are they TRYING to fail?

Honestly people, you were up against Bush and you LOST. The last two candidates you put fourth might as well have been ripped straight off of the movie "Equilibrium". Bush at least had one thing Kerry didn't: Charisma. Even if he's a flaming moron that's running his country into the ground and destroying the world with religious beliefs (a la Ann Coulter's quote about the middle east: "We should kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity"), it's remarkable that you couldn't front someone that couldn't beat Bush in an election. Seriously, you could have put a drunk monkey up for election and he'd have a better chance of winning than Kerry did. It's not the American people's fault; well it is for electing Bush, but I'm talking about for Kerry. The Democrats must have been in a room saying "how can we fuck this up?" before nominating Kerry.

But now they're trying to outdo themselves after that catastrophic failure, by shoving Howard Dean in some position of power. Why would you do that? Tell me, why? Is this some joke, or are the Democrats secretly Republicians that are trying to help Bush. . . or something? Conspiracies abound, all of them stupid. But with the Dem's latest blunder, it's no wonder they lost the election. Still though. . . I mean. . . Bush? I didn't think it was possible to lose to him. . . twice.

That's why I'll never leave Canada. Our forces may be weak, and our Government is useless (at least Paul Martin is), but we're not losing to Bush.


Thursday, February 17, 2005


Stress is everywhere, people. And we all suffer from it. Now usually I let it roll off my back (because I keep the "I don't care" demeanor) but even I suffer from it when a ton of crap happens all at once. And this past two weeks, it happened. And I can honestly say that over the last few years of my life, I don't think I've ever had this much stress before, or at least I stayed oblivious to it in my idiotic highschool career. Too bad it's University and the bureaucracy is a billion times more intense. But I digress.

Most people who know me personally would know that I've been suffering from an annoying illness that has just seemed to linger for the past week. Turns out I have high acid content in my stomach from NOT vomiting while ill. Which I guess itself, is a lesson to people. . . vomit if you feel like you have to. I've been holding it in forever and it's just lengthened my illness and apparently messed up my stomach acid and blood sugar. Which is bad enough since I have low blood pressure already (another annoying thing I was born with), but a lack of blood sugar combined with low BP can make people very, very, very light headed and dilusional (at times). So what a week it's been.

But ignoring that illness, stress has gotten to me for the first time in awhile. Missing an exam was bad - but getting the medical excuse slip (hence the bureaucracy statement) was so nightmarish it made me wish I'd just thrown up and written the damn thing - at least I would have finished it, and to piss with the mark. But it's also Intent to Register week. Which, if you ask me, is really stupid to do during mid-term exams, which I had 4 of, but that's University. So I had these to worry about. For the most part I feel like I did fine on the exams, and with one to go I've finally hit "rock bottom". I read (ironically, for my Psych exam) that when the body gets to a certain point of stress overload, it either breaks down (a la "nervous breakdown") or rejects the stress altogether. It was fairly easy (given my casual don't-care personality) that my body just rejected it altogether, I suppose as a dealing method. But after all this, it brings me to my main point of this post:

Stress. Artificially created (or chemically enduced by the body) by oneself as putting too many expectations on themselves. Okay, I can understand that a job has deadlines, but is it worth snapping over? I guess I just "don't understand" the real world, but I think it's horseshit if you take an exam that has you having heart attacks over everything - how can that POSSIBLY be your dream job? Stress is never a good thing, and can lead to insane states of mind, disease, etc etc. Lots of bad things.

Which is what I don't understand - what's the point of stress? Do we as a society expect too much of ourselves to ultimately, look after ourselves first? I'm all for helping people in need (to my best extent) but I'm realistic about what I can do. There just gets a certain point when I say "it's not worth it anymore". Are you more concerned with looking good in someone else's eyes than caring about yourself? Call me celf-centered but someone should always put themselves first in terms of personal health. I'm not talking on a political level, I'm talking on a personal level with co-workers, friends, aquaintances, etc. Put yourself first, people. Don't kill yourself over someone else's problem - do what you can to help, but that's it.

If humanity wants any chance to survive, we have to stop striving to impress everyone else and think of ourselves first. At least on a small personal level. Not if you're building a rocket or leading a country (especially into a pointless war. . . hmmm), that's different. Maybe I'm contradicting myself a bit here, but I have to unload.

In summary: Don't stress out about things you can't control - think of your own health and happiness first. So long as that doesn't involve killing everyone else.


Sunday, February 13, 2005

A protestor's guide to protesting right

Protesting does nothing. I see and hear all about these people "getting together" to "protest" whatever they don't like, ranging from tutition fees to some government policy. While it's good people aren't being total slaves to the government (which ironically, with all the bills being put forth by the Bush Admin., you'd figure they'd want people to be all the same.), walking out and slowing down traffic won't get people to support your cause - if anything, you'll piss them off and they'll hate your cause. Getting in the way of pedestrians won't get your cause supported. If you want to actually do something, get together a band of people and protest where it counts: The government office (of your MP, MPP, whatever). You're trying to get your message across to them, not some idiot walking down the street trying to get to Subway or wherever.

The person you're trying to annoy/get your point across to is your representitive. If you bitch at them, maybe, just maybe, they'll take what you have to say and present it to the House of Commons or at least their party. Since the government works in a certain way, judging things with different weight (I was told this a few years ago but it's something like this: Telephone call = 1 vote. Written letter = 10 votes.. showing up to the office = 100 votes. 5+ people showing up at the office = 1000 votes. Something along those lines), not bringing it to their attention is a waste of everyone's time - especially the protestors. You're not accomplishing anything by bothering people who don't care. Slowing traffic will get you more likely to be run over, and I've seen that happen. (Almost - the guy was riding on the hood.)

In summary, if you're going to protest, at least do it out of the way of the public and in the face of the person that you're trying to get the message to.


Saturday, February 12, 2005

Insomnia sucks.

Okay so maybe I don't exactly have insomnia, but the illness I've had over the last week has really thrown my sleeping habits out of cycle. I've been sleeping (at one point) almost 18 hours in the day, and right now, due to my overdose of sleep, I'm down to about 5 hours. This sucks. Especially when there's absolutely nothing to do at 5AM. Note to all you people that get sick: Ignore your body. You'll feel so much better when you get over your illness, even if it lasts two weeks longer because of my stupid advice.

You'll thank me later.


Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Damn you, boots!

I'm pretty sure that this title will become irrelevant as I continue on. Sorry for the delay, I've been "feeling under the weather" for awhile. Anyway, what the hell is with the weather? If I remember correctly, last week it was colder than Jesus. I actually said to my roommate that I could raise the temperature 40 C (or like.. 110 F) and it would be SPRING weather. Apparently God/Mother Nature/The earth's rotation decided it'd throw me a bone this week and make it warm. And by warm, I mean. . . 1 C. That's great, but the only problem is the snow melts and freezes overnight. Being a night-person, I go outside then, and the next thing I know, I'm slipping all over the place. Don't get me wrong, ice is great and all and it's fun to watch other people fall, but it was friggin dark as hell and everywhere I stepped was ice. So after apparently tearing my groin, I managed to stop slipping. Stupid weather. Of course It'll probably snow like hell after this week, so I'm refering to this as the "tease" week. Nice (relatively speaking) weather for a week, then hell for the rest of the two months.

And who actually believes that groundhog day crap? The jerkoff didn't see his shadow 2 years ago and we had a blizzard in April. And not early April either. This was like the last week of April. Groundhog day is stupid. If they wanted it to mean something, they should have had it after winter.. then it'd be warm and everyone would know the groundhog was giving us good news.

And now for my (lack of boots). I don't own them because I hate boots, but damn does it suck in the slush with running shoes. I suppose that's my own fault, but London should really invest in some overpriced slush removal system.. like.. I dunno, global warming or something. Then I could wear running shoes year round without ever worrying about it.

Okay I'm done. In summary: I hate winter.


Friday, February 04, 2005

Getting your Priorities Straight

To continue using a small font now to make myself feel good and to counter Peter's ( big font of unmistakeable evil, I will continue with my ongoing series of random yellings at things. Today it's about Bush's State of the Union address.

So as a Canadian, his SOTU doesn't really affect me directly, but still, this guy's a jerk. To blatantly lie about his directives in Iraq is possibly the worst leadership quality ever. My ass it was his whole intention to bring freedom and liberty to the middle-east. Although I may have been wrong (although I don't think so) about the oil, the reason they went to Iraq is (as they stated in 2003) about terrorism. After that apalling failure of an occupation, one randomly unexpected good turnout doesn't make up for the amount of innocent people that died to bring that so called "freedom" to Iraq. I would respect Bush more if he actually got the balls to admit why he was really there. At least then we'd know he's a jackass but has reasons. Lying to your own citizens is unacceptable, especially when your acts are borderline genocide.

And now he's threatening Iran and Syria about invasion. Another two big oils spots with dictatorship. If Bush and his administration REALLY cared about spreading freedom he would go to Sudan first, where there is genocide being committed (similiar to the situation in Rwanda in '94). But what does Sudan have to offer to America, commodity-wise? I think that the reason they aren't putting their priorites in humanity is because despite what they say, they could give a shit about how many people die. If they don't get gain out of it, it's not worth helping.

Sadly, that's the mentality of most of the world. And it's something we're all guilty of.


Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Hacks in University Politics

Okay, here we are. The first politics rant. And it's a doozy. After getting over how sham-like University is (for the one billionth time), I finally caught some rage for free speech. So there's these people in the University Community Centre (UCC) handing out pamphlets about voting for some jerk for USC Prez, which I don't care about. These people are easy to spot because they look like idiots wearing a "vote for jerkoff #1" t-shirt... and there's 3 or 4 candidate hacks wandering around interupting people while they try to eat to waste some paper giving them a pamphlet that will likely meet the trash can.
Being an environmentalist, I have issues with that wasteful nature, but that's a different rant. What gets me is that they interupt people who are doing whatever, which is fine if these people aren't doing anything important, but to get all offended when someone turns down a paper or tells them WHY they won't vote for said person (my reason was "I don't know enough or care enough to vote"), so this guy says "well just vote for jerkoff #1 anyway if you don't care". What the hell? I'm not going to vote for some random person that I know nothing about or what they stand for. Now I'm not big on politics anyway (since my party is still fringe and I'm lazy) but to be just 'told' to vote for some random idiot is like just telling someone to shoot a guy because you don't know him or care about him.
So I was going to go off on this hack about why he's wrong to command me what to do, but I was respectful and didn't. But he hands me the paper and waits for me to accept it. I just stared at him and said "no". He was obviously confused about why I wouldn't just take the paper, and I told him I had no interest so it would be a waste of time for him to give me paper. He got the message and left to bother someone else eating, but not before he gave me this "well I don't like you because you don't conform" look. Go to hell! I'm not going to conform because I want to be 'liked' by a select group of tools. To be honest I could give a shit about what people think of me and what my political views are. I'm not going to sell out just because it's cool or the thing to do, I'm going to stand behind what I believe in, because it's what I believe in. And if that upsets you that some people have different opinions to you, too bad.
At least I know who I am.

In summary: I hate USC hacks. And this could have got really out of hand (the rant and the confrontation).

University is a sham

Okay I'm back after a short, 1 day delay. Okay today I had to go to some ranodm academic counselling deal about one of my courses. When I get there, the guy, while nice and obviously being helpful, didn't know WHICH course I was struggling in. Not his fault though, apparently they never do. They gauge by what you, the person, thinks. Well what a load! Let's say I thought I was doing well in a course but wasn't and didn't know. How the HELL would this counselling session go anywhere? If neither he nor I knew, it'd be a waste of both our times. What's worse, I got up early for this. I ended up spending 12 freakin' hours on campus.

Now luckily enough I knew what was the "bad" course. I'm still passing it, I just don't care enough to get a better mark. Of course, me saying that to the guy would make me look like a big jerk, and since it was early in the morning I really didn't feel like getting in a debate with him. Aside from the fact that the University grading system is flawed already (not knowing your marks until final is a load), going to a counselling session to get tips I won't use was seriously just me trying to save face. Now I have a bunch of junk in my backpack about how I should "utilize" my "study time", or go to freakin' workshops on how to do multiple choice exams. What kind of jackass doesn't know how to do a multiple choice exam? If you know it, you're set. If you don't, guess. It's not like you're going to magically learn the answer by staring at four possible ones. And screw that whole "eliminate two" garbage. Chances are if you don't know the answer you're too stupid to eliminate two of the wrong ones anyway, and would eliminate the right one. Thus giving you a 0 in 2 chance that you'd get the question right. That's why I follow the ACDC system: Repeatedly spell that out if you don't know the answer. It may look like a pattern, but say I had 10 questions and I didn't know 4 of them. Any that I did know I would fill in, and unless you don't know 8 in a row you'll definitely avoid some sort of pattern-looking exam sheet. And one more thing: True and False.. that's a pile of trash too. If you don't know ANY of them, ALWAYS choose all of one kind. That was you're basically guaranteed a pass. And since most professors would probably put more "T" than "F" since they know the material and it's easier to regurgitate right answers than using idenpendent thought to make up a wrong one, I'd suggest using all "T"s. You'll thank me when you pass because of it.

Of course, none of this is a factor if you know the material. But let's face it, the secret and goal to University (at least mine) is to get a degree without actually really learning anything new.

But of course, the University would like you to think you're getting somewhere. Here's a newsflash: Half the degrees require you to go to college afterwards to get the technical training. What a waste of time! I don't know about you, but I don't want to still be in school when I'm 24. Luckily I'll be graduating when I'm 22, hopefully just as stupid as when I left Highschool. That'll be the dream.

My anger for politics is growing, so expect a lengthy rant on that soon. This one is more of a filler rant until I get assigned something pointless.
